[Abstract]:Background Crohn's disease (crohn's disease,CD) is a chronic recurrent inflammatory disease with unknown causes in the digestive system. Because of the characteristics of the disease and long-term recurrent inflammation caused by complications, often lead to malnutrition. Therefore, nutritional risk screening, early nutritional intervention and improvement of general and local nutritional status of patients with CD are important links in the treatment and rehabilitation of CD. Objective to investigate the relationship between nutritional risk and clinical characteristics in patients with CD. Methods Nutrition risk screening (2002 (Nutritional risk screening,NRS 2002) was used to screen the nutritional risk of 2002 patients diagnosed as CD in the Department of Gastroenterology of the 10th people's Hospital of Shanghai from January 1, 2014 to April 30, 2015. The patients' hospitalization number, date of admission, name, sex, age, height, weight, BMI,48h internal biochemical index (WBC,PLT,HB,HCT,CRP,ESR), endoscopy score (SES-CD), Montreal classification, disease activity were collected. Course of disease and history of operation. According to sex, it was classified as male and female, and according to CD activity index (Crohn's disease activity index,CDAI), it was classified as clinical remission, mild active, moderate active and severe active, according to Montreal classification according to their diagnostic age. The lesion site, disease behavior and perianal lesion were divided into two groups according to the history of intestinal surgery, and divided into two groups: operation group and non-operation history group. Two independent samples 蠂 2 test was used to compare the incidence of nutritional risk among the three groups, and two independent samples T test was used to analyze the difference of clinical indexes between the group with nutrition risk and the group without nutrition risk. Results of the 280 inpatients with CD, 125 had nutritional risk, and the incidence of nutritional risk was 44.6% (125 / 280). In these patients, different gender, different lesion location, different clinical stages of nutritional risk rate is different, the difference is statistically significant (P0.05); BMI, HB,HCT, albumin and PLT were the risk factors of nutritional risk in different age, whether there was perianal lesion, whether there was history of intestinal surgery, and the incidence of nutritional risk of different diseases was the same (P0.05). The difference was statistically significant (P0.05); there was no significant difference between the other indicators (P0.05). Conclusion 1. Through screening, it was found that the incidence of nutritional risk in CD inpatients was higher; 2. The incidence of nutritional risk was different in different sex, different lesion location and different clinical stages. 3. BMI, HB, HCT, albumin and PLT had certain significance in predicting the occurrence of nutritional risk in patients with CD.
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