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发布时间:2019-05-14 01:56
[Abstract]:Objective to measure the myoelectric changes of abdominal muscle, diaphragm and pelvic floor by surface electromyography, and to measure the thickening rate of diaphragm, abdominal muscle thickening rate and diaphragm activity by ultrasound. Chronic constipation severity scale, self-rating anxiety scale, self-rating depression scale, self-rating anxiety scale, self-rating depression scale, self-rating anxiety scale, self-rating depression scale, self-rating anxiety scale, self-rating depression scale, The scores of quality of life questionnaire in patients with constipation were evaluated to evaluate the efficacy of respiratory electrical stimulation in the treatment of functional constipation. Methods A total of 46 patients with functional constipation were randomly divided into control group and treatment group A, and group B was treated with 3 groups. Group A received pelvic floor biofeedback therapy combined with respiratory electrical stimulation training on the basis of lactulose therapy (15 cases), and group B received pelvic floor biofeedback therapy on the basis of lactulose therapy (16 cases). The control group was treated with lactulose (15 cases). Before and after treatment, the severity scale of chronic constipation, self-rating anxiety scale, self-rating depression scale and quality of life questionnaire were used to evaluate the severity of chronic constipation, self-rating anxiety scale, self-rating depression scale and quality of life questionnaire. The surface EMG of diaphragm and abdominal muscle were measured by surface electromyography (EMG). The myoelectric parameters of pelvic floor were evaluated by Glazer method, and the thickening rate of diaphragm, the thickening rate of abdominal muscle and the activity of diaphragm were measured by ultrasound. Results after 2 weeks of treatment, the severity score of chronic constipation in the three groups was lower than that before treatment (P 0.05), and the score in treatment group A was lower than that in treatment group B and control group (P 0.05). The root mean square values of diaphragm and rectus abdominis in the two treatment groups were improved compared with those before treatment (P 0.05), and the degree of diaphragm improvement in group A was significantly different from that in group B (P 0.05). After treatment, Glazer method was used to evaluate the maximum amplitude of rapid contraction and the amplitude of continuous contraction of 5 times in the three groups, and the amplitude of durable contraction was significantly higher than that before treatment, the difference was statistically significant (P 0.05). The amplitudes of the pre-and post-baseline waves in the two treatment groups were lower than those before treatment (P 0.05), and in group A, the maximum amplitude of rapid contraction was 5 times, and the amplitude of continuous contraction was 5 times. The amplitude of durable contraction was significantly higher than that of treatment group B and control group (P 0.05), and the amplitude of pre-baseline wave was lower than that of treatment group B and control group, the difference was statistically significant (P 0.05). After treatment, the diaphragm activity and the thickening rate of diaphragm, extraabdominal oblique muscle, intraabdominal oblique muscle, transverse abdominal muscle and rectus abdominis muscle in group A were higher than those before treatment (P 0.05), and the diaphragm activity and diaphragm, extraabdominal oblique muscle, intraabdominal oblique muscle and transverse abdominal muscle in group A were higher than those before treatment. The thickening rate of rectus abdominis muscle was significantly higher than that of treatment group B and control group (P 0.05). After treatment, the scores of quality of life questionnaire, self-rating anxiety scale and self-rating depression scale in the three groups were lower than those before treatment (P 0.05), and the scores in treatment group A were lower than those in treatment group B and control group (P 0.05). Conclusion Respiratory electrical stimulation training can effectively improve the contractility of diaphragm and abdominal muscle and reduce the overactivity of pelvic floor muscle, enhance the effect of pelvic floor biofeedback in the treatment of functional constipation and the mental and psychological state of the patients, and finally improve their quality of life.


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