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发布时间:2019-05-14 11:44
【摘要】:目的通过CT分析,探讨脾功能亢进患者部分脾动脉栓塞术(PSE)后栓塞脾组织的变化及其对机体康复的影响。方法收集该院接受PSE治疗的脾功能亢进患者46例,在PSE治疗后1周、1个月、3个月及6个月复查上腹部CT平扫联合增强扫描,同时采血复查肝功能及血常规。将PSE治疗后1周的CT图像运用CT自带的Volume功能软件计算脾脏的栓塞比例,将栓塞比例小于等于50%的患者共31例作为A组,其余15例栓塞比例大于50%的患者作为B组。记录患者行PSE治疗后的住院时间、外周血细胞升高持续时间以及各观察期被栓塞脾组织的CT图像表现。结果栓塞脾组织的CT变化:术后1周所有患者均表现为梗死;术后1个月12例患者表现为梗死,其中有4例伴有液化表现,其余34例出现修复表现;术后3个月19例患者表现为完全修复,其余27例患者表现为部分修复,其中有8例患者有梗死伴液化表现;术后6个月42例患者表现为完全修复,其余4例患者表现为部分修复,同时有梗死伴液化表现。栓塞脾组织CT表现为部分修复的情况比较,在PSE治疗后1个月,两组间差异有统计学意义(P0.05);栓塞脾组织修复程度的比较,在PSE治疗后3个月,两组间差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。PSE治疗后住院时间比较,A组与B组间差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。PSE治疗后患者外周血细胞升高持续时间比较,A组与B组间差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论 PSE治疗脾功能亢进,栓塞比例的大小将会影响栓塞脾组织在不同时期的CT变化;PSE治疗后,栓塞脾组织的CT图像会有梗死、部分修复、梗死伴液化、完全修复的变化过程,这些变化过程将会对PSE治疗脾功能亢进的效果及治疗后的住院时间产生影响。
[Abstract]:Objective to investigate the changes of spleen tissue after partial spleen artery occlusion (PSE) in patients with hyperplenism and its effect on rehabilitation by CT analysis. Methods 46 patients with hypersplenism treated with PSE were collected. One week, one month, three months and six months after PSE treatment, the upper abdominal CT plain scan combined with enhanced scan was reexamined, and the liver function and blood routine were examined at the same time. One week after PSE treatment, CT images were used to calculate the proportion of spleen embolism with CT's own Volume function software. 31 patients with embolism ratio less than or equal to 50% were taken as group A, and the other 15 patients with embolism ratio greater than 50% were treated as group B. The hospitalization time, the duration of peripheral blood cell elevation and the CT images of embolized spleen tissue were recorded after PSE treatment. Results the changes of CT in embolic spleen tissue: all the patients showed infarction 1 week after operation, 12 patients showed infarction 1 month after operation, 4 of them were accompanied by liquefaction, and the other 34 showed repair. At 3 months after operation, 19 patients showed complete repair, the other 27 patients showed partial repair, of which 8 patients had infarction with liquefaction. At 6 months after operation, 42 patients showed complete repair, the other 4 patients showed partial repair, and infarction with liquefaction. The CT findings of embolic spleen tissue were compared with those of partial repair. One month after PSE treatment, there was significant difference between the two groups (P 0.05). There was significant difference in the degree of repair of embolic spleen tissue between the two groups 3 months after PSE treatment (P 0.05). There was significant difference between group A and group B (P 0.05). After PSE treatment, there was significant difference in the duration of peripheral blood cell elevation between group A and group B. there was significant difference between group A and group B (P 0.05). Conclusion in the treatment of hypersplenism with PSE, the proportion of embolism will affect the changes of CT in spleen tissue in different periods. After PSE treatment, the CT images of embolized spleen tissue will have the process of infarction, partial repair, infarction with liquefaction and complete repair, which will have an impact on the effect of PSE in the treatment of hypersplenism and the length of hospitalization after treatment.
【作者单位】: 遵义医学院附属医院介入科;


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1 管昌田;自发性血小板减少性紫癜:副脾组织的测定[J];国外医学(放射医学分册);1982年02期




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