本文关键词: 出生缺陷 知信行 农村育龄人群 出处:《山西医科大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:山西省农村育龄人群出生缺陷知识、态度、行为的现况研究 目的:了解山西省农村育龄人群出生缺陷的知识、态度和行为现状,分析出生缺陷相关知识、态度、行为(KAP)之间的关系,探讨影响山西省农村育龄人群预防出生缺陷的主要因素,为山西省下一步有针对性的预防出生缺陷和有效地实施优生服务提供可靠的依据。方法:采用多阶段抽样的方法从山西省的五个项目县/区(长治县、平定县、介休市、芮城县、平鲁区),随机抽取10个村的年龄18-45岁,在当地居住一年以上的农村居民4000人,由经过统一培训的调查员对调查对象进行面对面的问卷调查,问卷当场收回。数据分析采用SPSS13.0统计软件,定量资料的分析采用t检验和方差分析,定性资料的分析采用卡方检验,影响因素的分析采用多重线性回归、二分类logistic回归分析,检验水准α设为0.05。知识、态度、行为间的关系采用四象限分析法(BCG)描述。 结果: 1.育龄人群出生缺陷相关知识、态度及行为情况:(1)调查男性730人,已育者526人。回答知识正确率最高的是“近亲结婚是否影响后代健康”,占79.0%,最低的是“已婚妇女准备怀孕或怀孕后是否要远离染料、油漆等化工行业”,占53.6%。88.1%认为夫妻双方有必要做孕前检查,85.5%认为有必要投入金钱和精力预防出生缺陷,87.8%认为孕妇有必要遵医嘱做孕期检查。已育者中近亲结婚为0.6%,婚检率为7.6%,孕前检查率为7.6%。(2)调查女性3248人,,已育者2376人。回答知识正确率最高的是“近亲结婚是否影响后代健康”,占86.8%,最低的是“已婚妇女准备怀孕或怀孕后是否要远离染料、油漆等化工行业”,占51.2%。90.9%认为夫妻双方有必要做孕前检查,86.9%认为有必要投入金钱和精力预防出生缺陷,90.7%认为孕妇有必要遵医嘱做孕期检查。已育者中近亲结婚者为0.2%,婚检率为8.9%,孕前检查率为30.6%,孕期遵医嘱检查者为84.1%,遵医嘱服叶酸者为22.0%。2.知识、态度及行为之间的关系:BCG结果显示:(1)男性已育者孕前检查知识正确率占74.0%,对孕前检查持正确态度者占89.0%,进行孕前检查者占7.6%,其中知识、态度和行为均正确者仅占4.4%。(2)女性已育者孕前检查知识正确率为93.7%,对孕前检查持正确态度者占92.4%,做过孕前检查者占30.6%,其中知识、态度和行为均正确者占28.5%。3.影响因素分析结果:(1)对男性而言,不同年龄、婚姻状况、文化程度、家庭月人均收入者出生缺陷相关知识得分总体来看,差异有统计学意义。已婚者知识得分较高,文化程度、家庭月人均收入越高者,知识掌握水平有升高的趋势。多因素分析显示:影响知识得分的主要因素有婚姻状况、文化程度、年龄等;影响出生缺陷相关态度(关于孕妇做孕前检查、投入金钱和精力预防出生缺陷、孕妇遵医嘱做孕期检查的态度)的因素主要有文化程度、婚姻状况,其中已婚者、文化程度越高,态度越积极。 (2)对女性而言,不同年龄、婚姻状况、文化程度、家庭月人均收入、怀孕史者,其出生缺陷知识得分总的来看,差异有统计学意义。已婚者、有怀孕史者知识得分较高,随着文化程度、家庭月人均收入的升高,知识掌握水平有升高的趋势。多因素分析显示:影响知识的主要因素有家庭月人均收入、文化程度、年龄、怀孕史及婚姻状况等。影响孕前检查态度的因素主要有婚姻状况、知识得分等;影响投入金钱和精力预防出生缺陷态度的因素主要有文化程度、婚姻状况、家庭月人均收入及知识得分等;影响孕妇遵医嘱做孕期检查态度的因素主要有文化程度、婚姻状况、职业、知识得分等;其中,已婚、有怀孕史者态度较积极,文化程度、家庭月人均收入、知识得分越高,态度越积极。影响女性孕前检查行为的因素主要有年龄、文化程度、投入金钱和精力预防出生缺陷的态度。随着年龄的增加、文化程度的提高、投入金钱和精力预防出生缺陷的态度越积极,育龄女性做孕前检查的可能性增加。 结论: 1.山西省农村育龄人群对出生缺陷相关的知识掌握不全面,态度相对积极,但采取相应的优生健康行为较差。 2.影响育龄人群出生缺陷相关知识、态度的因素主要有文化水平、家庭收入、婚姻状况等。 3.有必要对目标人群进行灵活有效的健康教育,特别是对文化程度较低、低收入、未婚者等的健康教育,提高其对预防出生缺陷的知识掌握程度,促进其采取健康的行为。
[Abstract]:A study on the status of birth defect knowledge , attitude and behavior in rural childbearing age in Shanxi Province Objective : To understand the knowledge , attitude and behavior of birth defects in rural childbearing age groups in Shanxi Province , analyze the relationship between birth defects and knowledge , attitude and behavior ( KAP ) . Results : The results showed : ( 1 ) The highest rate of knowledge is " whether marriage affects offspring health " , accounting for 53.2 % . The lowest is " whether married women are pregnant or pregnant or not far away from dyes , paints and other chemical industries " , accounting for 53.2 % . ( 2 ) The correct rate of pre - pregnancy examination knowledge of female has been 93.7 % , the correct attitude to pre - pregnancy test accounts for 92.4 % , and the knowledge , attitude and behavior are all right . The factors influencing the knowledge score are the marital status , the degree of culture , the age , etc . The factors that influence the birth defects are the marital status , the degree of culture , the age , etc . The factors that influence the birth defects are the degree of marriage , the degree of culture and the age , etc . ( 2 ) In the case of female , there is a significant difference between different ages , marital status , cultural degree , family month per capita income , pregnant history , and birth defect knowledge score . The factors that affect the attitude of pregnant women include marriage status , knowledge score , etc . Conclusion : 1 . The knowledge of birth defects in the rural reproductive age group of Shanxi Province is not comprehensive and the attitude is relatively positive , but the corresponding good health behavior is poor . 2 . The factors that affect the birth defects of the reproductive age group mainly include cultural level , family income , marital status and so on . 3 . There is a need for flexible and effective health education for the targeted population , in particular health education for low - income , low - income , unmarried persons , to improve their knowledge of prevention of birth defects and to promote their healthy behaviour .
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