本文选题:乡镇 切入点:集中式供水 出处:《南华大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:目的 了解湖南省乡镇集中式供水发展现状,综合评价乡镇集中式供水单位的供水能力、水质质量,分析影响水质安全的主要因素,找出存在的主要问题,,为研究和制定农村集中式供水发展和管理措施提供科学依据。 方法 按地域、经济水平等因素将湖南省88个县(市)分为东、西、南、北、中五部分,采用随机抽样的方法分别从五个部分中随机抽取出浏阳市、凤凰县、临武县、南县、冷水江市五个县(市)作为样本,在每个样本县(市)中随机抽取60个乡镇集中式供水单位为研究对象,采用问卷调查与查看原始资料相结合的方法,调查乡镇集中式供水单位的基本情况、管理情况;并在每个乡镇集中式供水水厂采集2个水样(出厂水样和末梢水样),由湖南省疾病预防控制中心实验室进行水质检测,检验标准参照《生活饮用水卫生标准》(GB5749-2006)制定;将数据用统计软件SPSS13.0建立数据库并分析数据,统计方法包括:描述性统计、卡方检验。 结果 1.样本县(市)乡镇集中式供水单位的基本情况在样本县(市)抽样的300家乡镇集中式供水单位中,公办的占44.67%,私办的占53.67%,公私合资的占1.67%。日供水量以小型(日供水≤1000m3)为主,占92%,大、中型为8%。农村人口覆盖率为74.24%。卫生许可证持证率为47.67%。供、管水人员持健康证率为67.83%。从业人员持上岗证比例为82.28%。供水单位水源类型以地下深井水为主,占37.33%,其次是水库水,占20.00%。水处理工艺采取完全处理的占39.33%,不处理的占50.67%。水质自检实验室配备率为14.00%,检验人员占工作人员总数的1.68%,凤凰县、临武县1个检验人员都没有。水质自检能力在19项以上的占7.66%,13~19项之间的占4.00%,13项以下的占2.33%。凤凰县、临武县无水质自检能力。氯化消毒占36.00%,二氧化氯消毒占13.67%,不消毒占50.67%。机械加药的占30.67%,部分机械加药的占2.33%,手工加药的占16.33%。 2.样本县(市)乡镇集中式供水单位的管理情况样本县(市)乡镇集中式供水单位卫生管理制度制定率为23.67%。卫生管理人员的配备率为55.33%。有水质自检记录的占9.00%,无自检记录的占91.00%。单位员工健康证明的占58.33%,没有健康证明的占41.67%。供、管水人员进行过卫生知识培训的占44.00%,未进行过卫生知识培训的占56.00%。供、管水人员卫生法律法规测试中60分以上(合格人数)占42.13%,60分以下(不合格)占57.87%。涉水产品卫生许可批件持有的占62.67%,无涉水产品卫生许可批件的占37.33%。消毒剂与消毒设备卫生许可批件持有的占62.00%,无消毒剂与消毒设备卫生许可批件的占38.00%。水源一级防护占3.33%,二级防护占14.67%,三级防护占22.67%,无防护占59.33%。水净化设施运转正常的占32.67%,不正常的占67.33%。 3.样本县(市)乡镇集中式供水单位水质情况样本县(市)采集的出厂水合格率最高是浏阳市为75.00%,最低是临武县为31.67%;末梢水合格率最高是浏阳市和凤凰县均为40.00%,最低是临武县为23.33%。 结论 1.样本县(市)乡镇集中式供水单位以私办为主,但经济发展快的地方,则以公办为主。而乡镇集中式供水农村人口覆盖率的高低与当地经济发展密切相关,经济条件好的地方乡镇集中式供水农村人口覆盖率则高,反之亦然。 2.样本县(市)乡镇集中式供水单位的质量还处于比较落后阶段,与国家标准差距较大。 3样本县(市)乡镇集中式供水单位从整体上来看管理处于比较低水平,供水单位水源保护措施不力,近60%的供水单位无水源保护措施;超过2/3的供水单位水净化设备不能正常运转,使得水质安全无法从源头和水处理过程中得到应有的保障。 4.样本县(市)出厂水和末梢水均不能完全达到国家标准,水质的安全情况堪忧。
To understand the present situation of water supply in Hunan Province, the development of township centralized, comprehensive evaluation of township centralized water supply unit water supply capacity, water quality, analysis of main factors affecting the water quality and safety, find out the main problems and provide scientific basis for the research and development of rural centralized water supply development and management measures.
According to geographical factors, economic level of 88 counties (cities) of Hunan province is divided into East, West, South, north, in the five part, by using random sampling method from five parts respectively in randomly selected Liuyang City, Fenghuang County, Linwu County, Nanxian City, five counties (city) as the Lengshuijiang in each sample, the sample county (city) were randomly selected from 60 villages and towns centralized water supply units as the research object, using the method of questionnaire investigation and view the raw material combination, the basic situation, investigation of township centralized water supply unit management; and collected 2 samples in each township centralized water supply water (water and tap water factory), by the Hunan Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention Laboratory of water quality testing, inspection standard reference "sanitary standard for drinking water (> GB57492006) formulation; data using statistical software SPSS13.0 to establish a database and data analysis, statistical methods include: description Description of sex statistics, chi square test.
1. sample counties (city) the basic situation of township centralized water supply units in the sample county (city) 300 Township centralized water supply unit sampling, public private sector accounted for 44.67%, accounted for 53.67%, accounting for public-private joint venture with small water supply 1.67%. (water supply is less than or equal to 1000m3), accounting for 92%, large and medium-sized 8%. rural population coverage for 74.24%. health certificates rate of 47.67%. for water management staff health certificate holders rate of 67.83%. employed people professionalsworking certificate for 82.28%. type water supply units in deep underground water, accounting for 37.33%, followed by the reservoir water, 20.00%. water treatment process to take complete treatment accounted for 39.33%. No treatment accounted for 50.67%. water self-test laboratory with rate of 14%, inspection personnel accounted for 1.68% of the total staff, Fenghuang County, Linwu county 1 inspection personnel are not. The water quality self-test capability than 19 items accounted for 7.66%, accounted for between 13~19 4%, 13 for less than 2.33%. in Fenghuang County, Linwu county. No water quality self-test capability of disinfection of chlorine dioxide disinfection accounted for 36%, accounted for 13.67%, accounted for 50.67%. without disinfection mechanical dosing accounted for 30.67%, accounting for 2.33% of the mechanical part of dosing, manual dosing accounted for 16.33%.
2. sample counties (city) Township centralized water supply units in the management of the sample county (city) health management system of township centralized water supply units to make the rate of 23.67%. health management staff was 55.33%. quality inspection record accounted for 9%, no inspection record accounted for 91.00%. unit staff health certificate accounted for 58.33%, accounted for no health certificate for 41.67%., water management staff of health knowledge training accounted for 44%, the lack of health knowledge training for water management personnel accounted for 56.00%., the health laws and regulations test more than 60 points (the number of qualified) accounted for 42.13%, 60 points below (unqualified) accounted for 57.87%. health permits wading products holdings accounted for 62.67%, no health permits wading products accounted for 37.33%. disinfectant and disinfection equipment health permits holdings accounted for 62%, non disinfectant and disinfection equipment health licenses accounted for 38.00%. water level protection for source 3.33%, level two protection accounted for 14.67%, three level protection accounted for 22.67%, no protection accounted for the normal operation of 59.33%. water purification facilities accounted for 32.67%, abnormal accounts for 67.33%.
3. sample counties (city) township water quality of centralized water supply unit sample county (city) collected water the highest pass rate is 75% for Liuyang, the lowest is Linwu County 31.67%; tap water qualified rate is the highest in Liuyang city and Fenghuang County was 40%, the lowest is Linwu county is 23.33%.
1. sample counties (city) Township centralized water supply units dominated by private, but the fast economic development of the place in public. While the level of local economic development and rural township centralized water supply coverage is closely related to the good economic conditions of local villages and towns centralized water supply in the rural population coverage rate is high, and vice versa.
The quality of centralized water supply units in 2. sample counties (cities) is still in a relatively backward stage, which is far from the national standard.
3 sample counties (city) Township centralized water supply units on the whole management at a relatively low level of water supply units, water source protection measures ineffective, nearly 60% of the water supply unit measures without water protection; more than 2/3 of the water supply unit water purification equipment can not operate normally, the water quality safety from the source and cannot be in the water treatment process security.
4. samples of county (city) water and end water can not fully reach the national standard, the safety of water quality is worrying.
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