本文选题:扒鸡 切入点:营养品质 出处:《扬州大学》2016年硕士论文
【摘要】:德州扒鸡是我国最具代表性的肉类菜肴,以肉质鲜嫩、香味醇厚享誉海内外,影响力位居我国四大名鸡之首。传统扒鸡加工多为作坊式生产,工艺参数多靠经验得来,缺乏系统、科学的数据支撑,并且长时间卤煮会造成鸡肉蛋白质变性严重,产品食用品质也会遭到破坏,并有可能导致营养价值下降。如何开发更美味、营养、健康、安全、方便的扒鸡产品,推进扒鸡生产标准化和工业化是企业急需解决的问题。本课题以扒鸡为研究对象,分析了扒鸡在加工过程中营养成分的变化,探讨了扒鸡加工中蛋白降解、水分分布的变化规律以及扒鸡加工过程中风味物质的形成机理,并开展了免拆膜可微波加热包装方式应用于扒鸡加工的研究,提高了扒鸡在贮藏和流通中产品的食用品质。主要研究内容和结果如下:1.扒鸡加工过程中主要营养成分的动态变化研究分析了扒鸡加工过程中基本营养成分、游离氨基酸( free amino acids,FAA)、脂肪酸和矿物质含量的动态变化,结果表明,扒鸡加工过程中水分含量呈下降趋势(p0.05),蛋白质相对含量升高,绝对含量有所降低,脂肪含量油炸后最高,煮制之后又有所下降,煮制环节对蛋白质、脂肪含量影响较大。FAA含量在加工过程中逐渐降低,腌制、煮制环节对其影响均较为显著(p0.05)。脂肪酸构成中不饱和脂肪酸所占比例有所升高,煮制环节对其影响较为显著(p0.05)。矿物质元素含量变化不显著,Na、Cu、Mn含量有所升高。因此,经过加工后扒鸡的营养成分相应提高,更适合人体对营养的需要;煮制环节对扒鸡加工过程中营养成分影响最大;腌制环节游离氨基酸有所损失,对其它营养成分影响不大。2.扒鸡加工过程中蛋白质降解和水分分布规律的研究对扒鸡加工过程中产品的出品率、pH值、剪切力的变化进行分析,并采用SDS-PAGE电泳、扫描电镜和核磁共振技术研究了加工中肌原纤维蛋白组分、微观结构的变化及产品水分的迁移规律。结果表明,经腌制后扒鸡出品率显著高于其它阶段(p0.05),加工过程中剪切力呈显著下降的趋势(p0.05)。SDS-PAGE电泳分析显示,肌球蛋白重链(MHC)、副肌球蛋白和肌动蛋白在加工过程中发生了显著的降解,其它条带也发生了不用程度的降解,尤其煮制阶段最为显著。油炸后肌原纤维束膜破裂,缝隙较大,水分流失严重,煮制后肌内膜和肌束膜出现明显的分离,并出现明显的“颗粒化”现象,加工过程中肌原纤维直径呈下降趋势,不易流动水A22呈下降趋势,自由水A23呈增加趋势,不易流动水转化为自由水。相关性分析结果表明,出品率和剪切力与肌原纤维直径和A22呈显著正相关(p0.05),剪切力与肌原纤维密度呈显著负相关(p0.05),出品率与肌原纤维密度也呈负相关但不显著(p0.05)。3.卤制液循环使用对扒鸡风味成分影响的研究依次使用新配制的卤制液和煮制1次到5次的卤制液分别煮制新鲜的鸡腿,并用蒸馏水煮制作为对照组,测定了其游离氨基酸(FAA)、核苷酸及挥发性风味物质的变化。结果表明:随着卤制液循环使用次数的增加,FAA含量呈增加趋势(p0.05),且每个阶段含量变化波动都比较大;核苷酸含量也呈增加趋势(p0.05), IMP是扒鸡主要的呈鲜味核苷酸。从卤制液使用次数从1次到6次煮制的样品和对照组样品中,分别鉴定出挥发性化合物27种、29种、30种、32种、27种、25种、15种,所鉴定的化合物主要来自鸡肉风味前体物质的热反应作用和香辛料挥发成分,随着煮制次数增加,峰离子流总面积呈先增加后降低趋势,煮制4次后,所检测出的主要风味化合物不仅种类多,峰离子流总面积也最大,感官评分结果煮制第4次和第5次后得分最高。4.免拆膜可微波加热包装技术对扒鸡贮藏品质的影响采用两种包装形式,真空包装和天然抑菌物质辅助免拆膜可微波加热包装处理扒鸡,分析贮藏过程中pH值、挥发性盐基氮值、菌落总数、色泽、电子鼻和感官品质的变化。结果显示,随着贮藏时间的延长pH值呈下降趋势,免拆膜包装组9d时TVB-N值己超过20mg/100g,而壳聚糖处理组在18 d TVB-N含量才达到16.5 mg/100g,免拆膜包装产品的保质期达到9 d,真空包装组保质期达到了14 d,而壳聚糖组在18 d菌落总数为4.79 lg(CFU/g),仍未达到国标上限,真空包装L*值、b*值显著低于免拆膜各组(p0.05),a*值显著高于免拆膜各组(p0.05),贮藏1d后各处理组感官评分差别并不大(p0.05),贮藏9d后真空包装组感官评分中色泽和外观显著低于免拆膜包装各组(p0.05)。
[Abstract]:Braised Chicken, Dezhou Style is China's most representative meat dishes, meat fresh, mellow flavor of Chicago, influence among China's four famous chicken first. Traditional braised chicken processing for workshop production and process parameters by experience, lack of systematic, scientific data support, and for a long time will cause the bittern chicken protein degeneration, edible quality products will be destroyed, and may lead to a decline in nutritional value. How to develop more delicious, nutrition, health, safety, convenient chicken products, promote braised chicken production standardization and industrialization is a urgent problem. This paper braised chicken as the research object, analyzes the changes of nutrition braised chicken the components in the process of protein degradation, braised chicken processing, the formation mechanism of flavor variation of moisture distribution and braised chicken in the process, and carried out without removing the film microwave Study on heating packing used in braised chicken processing, improve product storage and circulation of braised chicken in edible quality. The main research contents and results are as follows: To study the changes of main nutritional components in the process of 1. braised chicken processing analysis of the basic nutritional components of braised chicken processing, free amino acids (free, amino, acids, FAA) dynamic changes, fatty acids and minerals. The results showed that decreased water content during the processing of chicken (P0.05), protein content increased, the absolute content decreased, the high fat content after cooking, then decreased, cooking part of the protein, fat content influenced the content of.FAA in the process of gradually to reduce the effects of cooking, pickling, links in the significantly (P0.05). The fatty acid composition of unsaturated fatty acid proportion increased, cooking more influence on the link Significant (P0.05). The content of mineral elements did not change significantly, Na, Cu, Mn content increased. Therefore, nutrition after processing of braised chicken increased, more suitable to the nutritional needs of human body; cooking part of the greatest impact on the nutritional components in the process of pickled chicken; free amino acid has little effect on the link loss..2. braised chicken process of protein degradation and moisture distribution of other nutrients on the yield of product, braised chicken processing of pH value in changes of shear force are analyzed, and by SDS-PAGE electrophoresis, of myofibrillar protein components in the processing of scanning electron microscopy and NMR scan, microstructure changes and migration the product moisture. The results showed that after marinating braised chicken yield was significantly higher than that of other stages (P0.05), the shear force in the process decreased significantly (P0.05) by.SDS-PAGE The analysis shows that the myosin heavy chain (MHC), deputy of myosin and actin has undergone significant degradation in the processing process, other bands had no degree of degradation, especially the cooking stage is most remarkable. The myofibrillar bundles rupture of membranes, fried after the larger gap, serious water loss, cooked and endomysium perimysium was isolated, and appear the "particles" phenomenon, in the process of myofibrillar diameter decreased, immobile water A22 decreased, A23 increased free water, water is not easy to flow into free water. Correlation analysis results showed that the yield rate and shear stress and myofibril diameter and a significant positive correlation between A22 (P0.05), shear stress was negatively correlated with myofibrillar density (P0.05), yield and myofibrillar density was also negatively correlated but not significantly (P0.05) to use.3. stewed braised chicken wind circulation Study on the flavor components of the order of using bittern liquid newly prepared and boiled 1 times to 5 times the bittern liquid were cooked fresh chicken, and distilled water as control group, the determination of free amino acids (FAA), nucleotide and volatile flavor compounds changes. The results showed that with the increase of halogen preparation of recycling times, FAA increased (P0.05), and the content changes of each stage are relatively large fluctuations; the nucleotide content also increased (P0.05), IMP is the main braised chicken umami nucleotides. From 1 times to 6 times the boiled samples and control group samples from bittern liquid the use of the number of volatile compounds were identified in 27, 29, 30, 32, 27, 25, 15, compounds identified mainly from chicken flavor precursors, thermal reaction and spices volatile component, with the increase in the number of cooking, the peak area is total ion current The trend of decrease after the first increase, boiled 4 times, the main flavor compounds detected not only many kinds of total ion current peak area is also the largest, sensory score results boiled fourth times and fifth times the highest score.4. exemption film can affect the packaging technology of microwave heating on the storage quality of braised chicken using two kinds of packaging vacuum packaging, and natural antibacterial substances without removing the microwave heating assisted film packaging treatments during storage of braised chicken, pH value and TVB-N value, the total number of colonies, color change, electronic nose and sensory quality. The results showed that with the extension of storage time, pH value decreased, without removing the film packaging group 9D TVB-N has more than 20mg/100g, but the chitosan treatment group at 18 D TVB-N content reached 16.5 mg/100g, without removing the film packaging product shelf life of up to 9 D, the shelf life of vacuum packaging group reached 14 d, and 18 of the total number of chitosan group in the colony of D is 4 .79 LG (CFU/g), has not yet reached the national standard limit, vacuum packaging L* value, b* value was significantly lower than that without removing the film group (P0.05), a* value was significantly higher than that without removing the film group (P0.05), 1D after storage in all the treatment groups have no significant difference between the sensory score (P0.05), color and appearance of the vacuum packaging group in sensory evaluation after storage for 9D was significantly lower than that without removing the film packaging group (P0.05).
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