发布时间:2018-05-09 12:43
本文选题:公共场所 + 无烟政策 ; 参考:《复旦大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:研究背景: 2010年,上海出台了《上海市公共场所控制吸烟条例》,这是首个在国内通过地方人大的省(直辖市级)法规。根据该条例规定,经营场所使用面积在150平方米以上或者餐位在75座以上的餐饮场所,可以划定吸烟区或者设置吸烟室,吸烟区和吸烟室以外禁止吸烟。但是,对于如何划分和设置没有具体规定。这样的措施执法是否有难度,实施效果如何?对于上海餐饮业效果的分析将有利于上海今后对于控烟措施的进一步修订,也为其他城市乃至今后全国的控烟措施提供参考。 研究目的: 评价上海市餐饮场所禁烟法规的遵守情况及执行情况;了解餐饮场所服务人员及其顾客对餐饮场所控烟法规的态度,为今后餐饮场所控烟政策的修订提供依据。 研究方法: 采用目的抽样方法,以上海徐汇区和黄埔区抽取100个餐饮业场所,对服务人员和顾客进行调查。共调查服务人员589人,顾客489人。调查内容包括一般人口学状况,对吸烟和控烟相关的知识和态度,对控烟法规的遵守和执行情况等。 结果 1.餐厅服务人员情况 1.1服务员人口学特征 共有589名服务人员参与调查,男性231人,占39.2%;女性350人,占59.4%。平均年龄为(23.29±5.90)岁,其中以19-25岁年龄段为主,占66.7%,教育程度以初中水平最多,占46.6%。不同性别吸烟状态差异有统计学意义,男性高于女性。47.8%的服务人员表示过去7天遭受过被动吸烟。实施不同控烟政策的餐厅中,服务人员遭受被动吸烟情况差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。 1.2餐厅服务人员对吸烟和被动吸烟危害的认知情况 86.3%的服务人员对吸烟持反感态度,成为餐厅控烟的有利因素。非吸烟者中对吸烟持反感态度的比例高于吸烟者(94.4%vs67.8%)差别有统计学意义。98.3%认为吸烟是否损害吸烟者健康,吸烟者和非吸烟者的差别无统计学差异(P0.05)。58.2%的服务人员表示被动吸烟更容易引起心脏病,其中66.1%的吸烟者表示认同,略微高于非吸烟者(66.1%vs54.7%),差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。对于父母吸烟的孩子是否更容易患哮喘或呼吸道疾病这种看法,69.4%的服务人员表示认同,不同吸烟状态认同的比例均为达到70%,差异无统计学意义。33.8%的服务人员认为被动吸烟的量少于一定值就不会引发相关疾病。 1.3餐厅服务人员对条例认知和态度概况 52.3%的服务人员了解餐饮场所的控烟法规,不同教育程度差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。实施不同控烟政策餐厅的服务人员知晓程度差异有统计学意义,全面禁烟餐厅的服务人员了解控烟法规的比例最高,为66.7%;部分禁烟但没有隔离的餐厅,其服务人员了解控烟法规的比例最低,为41.0%。82.0%的服务人员赞同对餐饮场所实施控烟政策,其中非常赞同的比例为47.8%。不同控烟水平的餐厅,其服务人员的支持态度不全相同。全面禁烟的餐厅,其支持比例最高,达到88.2%,部分禁烟但没有隔离的餐厅,其支持的比例最低,为76.9%,差异有统计学意义。88.8%的服务人员认为餐厅禁烟有利于餐厅工作人员的健康,89.0%的服务人员认为餐厅禁烟有利于餐厅工作人员的健康。 虽然控烟政策对健康的促进得到普变认同,但是在对于餐厅经济效益的影响上却存在误区。服务人员普遍认为餐厅禁烟会影响经济效益,仅有24.6%的服务人员认为餐厅实行禁烟,不会对餐厅运营造成负面影响。不同控烟水平的餐厅,其服务人员的认知情况差异无统计学意义。 2.顾客情况 2.1顾客人口学特征 本次调查共回收顾客有效问卷479份,有效率92.8%。男性262人,占54.7%;女性217人,占45.3%。平均年龄为(32.69±11.86)岁,其中以26-35岁年龄段为主,占43.8%。教育程度以大学/大专以上水平最多,占72.4%%,吸烟者162人,占33.8%;不同性别吸烟状态差异有统计学意义,男性高于女性。 2.2顾客对吸烟和被动吸烟危害的认知情况 76.2%的顾客对吸烟持反感态度,非吸烟者中认为吸烟不好的比例高于吸烟者(86.6%vs55.3%),差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。对于吸烟是否损害吸烟者健康的看法,98.5%的顾客表示认可这种看法,吸烟者和非吸烟者都有很高的比例,均达到98%,无统计学差异(P0.05)。96.6%的顾客认为被动吸烟会损害健康。对于被动吸烟的具体危害,90.5%的顾客表示被动吸烟更容易引起肺癌,不73.0%的顾客表示被动吸烟更容易引起心脏病,82.0%的顾客认同于父母吸烟的孩子是否更容易患哮喘或呼吸道疾病,不同吸烟状态认同的比例均为达到75%以上。但是,仍有41.2%的顾客认为被动吸烟的量少于一定值就不会引发相关疾病,即被动吸烟有一定的安全阈值。吸烟者对此认知的比例高于非吸烟者,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。 2.3餐厅顾客对条例认知、态度以及相关行为概况 62.0%的顾客只听说过控烟法规,但不清楚法规内容。15.2%的顾客从未听说过控烟法规,只有22.8%的顾客比较了解。87.4%的顾客认为餐厅禁烟后,餐厅环境将更为舒适。83.9%的顾客认为餐厅禁烟有利于餐厅顾客的健康,42.8%的顾客认为餐厅禁烟不会导致对吸烟者的不公平待遇。88.0%的顾客认为小餐馆也应该禁烟。日常生活中,42.3%的顾客倾向于选择部分禁烟的餐厅,在部分禁烟的餐厅,67.4%的顾客一般在非吸烟区就餐。59.6%的顾客表示餐厅禁烟后对就餐次数没有影响。在价格、口味等相似的条件下,51.4%的顾客表示更愿意去全面禁烟的餐厅。 3.控烟条例在餐厅实施情况以及影响因素 83.5%的服务人员会主动告知顾客本餐厅的控烟规定,不同控烟水平的餐厅中,服务人员告知的比例差异有统计学意义,全面禁烟的餐厅,服务人员告知顾客控烟规定的比例最高,比例为93.4%。无禁烟规定的餐厅劝阻比例最低(38.2%)。对于部分禁烟的餐厅,75.9%的服务人员表示,和法规实施前相比,非吸烟区的吸烟情况吸烟人数有所减少。 但是,服务人员对于顾客的吸烟劝阻意识仍然薄弱。仅9.1%的服务人员表示大多时候会上前劝阻顾客吸烟,15.1%的服务人员表示劝阻顾客吸烟,会对日常工作带来不便,51.8%的服务人员表示很少带来不便甚至完全没有任何不便。58.0%的服务人员表示,如果没有劝阻顾客吸烟,其他顾客从来没有向控烟法规监督部门举报,只有5.6%的服务人员表示顾客会经常举报。25.0%的服务人员表示控烟监督部门接到举报后从来不会及时处理,51.6%的服务人员表示控烟法规监督部门偶尔会处理。14.5%的服务人员表示控烟法规监督部门从来没有日常巡查,45.8%的服务人员表示不知道控烟法规监督部门是否日常巡查,只有15.4%的服务人员表示控烟法规监督部门会经常巡查餐厅 对于餐厅服务人员劝阻意愿的Logistic回归结果显示,女性相对于男性服务人员更易劝阻顾客吸烟;顾客配合度高、对吸烟持反感态度、监督部门的日常巡查较为频繁以及人为目前对于吸烟者的惩罚力度比较大的服务人员更愿意劝阻吸烟顾客。 结论:餐厅服务人员和顾客对于吸烟和被动吸烟的危害都有一定的认知,对于餐饮场所的控烟普遍持赞成态度。实施不同控烟措施的餐厅在认知和态度差别有统计学意义。但是,无论是餐厅还是服务员,对于目前的餐厅控烟政策缺乏足够的了解,在服务人员中存在着控烟政策影响经济收入的误区,同时监督部门执法还应进一步加强。
[Abstract]:Research background:
In 2010, Shanghai introduced the Shanghai regulations on smoking control in public places, which is the first provincial (municipal) statute to pass the local people's Congress in China. According to the regulations, the use of a smoking area or smoking room, smoking and smoking can be used in the area of more than 150 square meters or more than 75 places. However, there are no specific regulations on how to divide and set up. How is it difficult to enforce the law and how to implement it? The analysis of the effect of Shanghai's catering industry will be beneficial to the further revision of Shanghai's tobacco control measures in the future, and also to provide reference for other cities and even the country's tobacco control measures in the future.
The purpose of the study is:
To evaluate the compliance and implementation of the regulations on smoking ban in Shanghai catering places, and to understand the attitude of the service staff and their customers to the smoking control regulations in the catering places, and to provide the basis for the revision of the tobacco control policy in the future restaurant.
Research methods:
Using the target sampling method, 100 catering establishments in Xuhui District and Whampoa, Shanghai, were selected to investigate the service staff and customers. A total of 589 service personnel and 489 customers were investigated. The survey included the general demographic situation, the knowledge and attitude related to smoking and tobacco control, the compliance and implementation of the tobacco control regulations.
1. restaurant service staff
The demographic characteristics of 1.1 waiters
A total of 589 service staff participated in the survey, 231 men, 39.2% and 350 women, accounting for the average age of 59.4%. (23.29 + 5.90), which was 19-25 years old, accounting for 66.7%, and the highest level of education, accounting for differences in smoking status between different sexes of 46.6%., and the men who were higher than women.47.8% said After 7 days of passive smoking, there was a statistically significant difference in passive smoking among service workers in different restaurants. (P0.05).
1.2 knowledge of smoking and passive smoking among restaurant attendants
86.3% of the service staff had a negative attitude towards smoking and became a favorable factor in smoking control in restaurants. The proportion of non smokers to smoking was higher than that of smokers (94.4%vs67.8%). The difference was statistically significant.98.3% thought smoking was harmful to smokers, and there was no statistical difference between smokers and non smokers (P0.05).58.2% service People say passive smoking is more likely to cause heart disease, of which 66.1% of smokers agree, slightly higher than non smokers (66.1%vs54.7%), with a statistically significant difference (P0.05). For children whose parents smoke more likely to suffer from asthma or respiratory disease, 69.4% of the service staff agree with different smoking states. The proportion was 70%, and the difference was not statistically significant..33.8% service staff thought that the passive smoking volume was less than a certain value, which would not cause related diseases.
1.3 restaurant staff cognition and attitude to regulations
52.3% of the service staff know the regulation of smoking control in restaurants, there is no significant difference in different educational levels (P0.05). There are significant differences in the awareness of the service staff in the restaurant with different smoking control policies. The highest proportion of the service staff in the comprehensive smoking control restaurant is to understand the regulation of tobacco control, which is 66.7%. In the hall, its service staff know the lowest proportion of the tobacco control regulations, and the 41.0%.82.0% service staff agree with the smoking control policy. Among them, the proportion of the restaurants with different levels of tobacco control in 47.8%. is very different. The service staff of the service staff are not all the same. The overall smoking ban hall has the highest proportion, up to 88.2%, and a part of the ban on smoking. But the non segregated restaurant, with the lowest proportion of support, was 76.9%, and a statistically significant.88.8% service believed that the restaurant's smoking ban was beneficial to the health of the restaurant staff, and 89% of the service workers believed that the smoking ban was beneficial to the health of the restaurant staff.
Although the policy of tobacco control has been universally recognized in the promotion of health, there is a misunderstanding in the impact on the economic benefits of restaurants. The service staff generally believe that the ban on smoking in restaurants will affect the economic benefits. Only 24.6% of the service workers believe that the restaurant does not have a negative effect on the operation of the restaurant. There was no significant difference in the cognition of the staff.
2. customer condition
2.1 demographic characteristics of customers
A total of 479 valid questionnaires were collected in this survey, with an effective 92.8%. male 262, accounting for 54.7%, and 217 women, accounting for the average age of 45.3%. (32.69 + 11.86) years, which was 26-35 years old, accounting for the highest level of education in 43.8%., accounting for 72.4%%, and 162 smokers, accounting for 33.8%. There were differences in smoking status between different sexes. Statistically significant, men were higher than women.
2.2 customer perception of smoking and passive smoking hazards
76.2% of the customers had a negative attitude towards smoking, and the proportion of non smokers considered bad smoking was higher than that of smokers (86.6%vs55.3%). The difference was statistically significant (P0.05). For smoking or not, 98.5% of the customers agreed that there was a high proportion of smokers and non smokers, both 98%, and no statistics. P0.05.96.6% customers believe that passive smoking can damage health. For the specific hazards of passive smoking, 90.5% of customers say passive smoking is more likely to cause lung cancer, less than 73% of the customers say passive smoking is more likely to cause heart disease, and 82% of the customers agree with whether their parents are more likely to suffer from asthma or respiratory disease. The proportion of different smoking States was more than 75%. However, 41.2% of the customers still believed that the amount of passive smoking was less than a certain value, and that there was no related disease, that is, there was a certain safety threshold for passive smoking. The proportion of smokers to this cognition was higher than that of non smokers, and the difference was statistically significant (P0.05).
2.3 restaurant customers' perceptions, attitudes and related behaviors
62% of the customers have only heard of the regulation of tobacco control, but it is not clear that the.15.2% customers have never heard of the regulation of tobacco control. Only 22.8% of the customers know that the restaurant environment will be more comfortable when the customers of.87.4% think the restaurant is smoke-free, and the restaurant's environment will be more comfortable for the customers of the restaurant, and 42.8% of the customers believe that the restaurant is prohibit smoking. In daily life, 42.3% of the customers tend to choose a part of the non smoking restaurant, in some non smoking restaurants, and 67.4% of the customers in the non-smoking area usually have no effect on the number of restaurants after the restaurant's smoking ban. At the price, at the mouth of the restaurant, 67.4% of the customers in the non smoking restaurant have no effect on the.88.0%. Under similar tastes, 51.4% of the customers said they preferred to go to a total ban on smoking.
3. implementation of Tobacco Control Ordinance in restaurants and its influencing factors
83.5% of the service staff will actively inform customers of the restaurant's smoking control regulations. There is a significant difference in the proportion of the service staff in restaurants with different levels of tobacco control. The service staff inform the customers that the proportion of the smoking control is the highest, and the proportion is the lowest rate of dissuade (38.2%) in the 93.4%. no smoking regulation. In a non smoking restaurant, 75.9% of the service staff indicated that the number of smokers in non-smoking areas decreased after the implementation of the regulations.
However, the service staff are still weak in the sense of dissuaded smoking. Only 9.1% of the service staff say that most of the time will be to dissuade customers from smoking. 15.1% of the service staff suggest that they dissuade customers from smoking, cause inconvenience to daily work, and 51.8% of the service staff say they have little inconvenience or even no inconvenience to the.58.0% service. The staff said that if they did not discourage customers from smoking, other customers had never reported to the regulatory authority of the tobacco control, only 5.6% of the service staff said that customers would often report.25.0%'s service staff to say that the control department of the tobacco control would never handle it in time. 51.6% of the service personnel said that the supervision department of the tobacco control law would occasionally The.14.5% service staff said that the supervision department of tobacco control has never been inspected daily. 45.8% of the service staff said they did not know whether the supervision department of the tobacco control regulation was inspected daily or not, and only 15.4% of the service personnel said that the supervision department of the tobacco control regulation would often patrol the restaurant.
Logistic regression results for the dissuaded willingness of restaurant service staff showed that women were more likely to dissuade customers from smoking than men, with high customer coordination, antipathy to smoking, frequent inspecting in the supervision department, and people who were more willing to dissuade smokers at present. Smoke customers.
Conclusion: the restaurant service staff and customers have a certain cognition about the harm of smoking and passive smoking, and generally agree on the smoking control in restaurants. There is a significant difference in cognition and attitude between restaurants and restaurants. However, it is not sufficient for the current policy of smoking control in restaurants, whether it is a restaurant or a service clerk. It is enough to understand that there are mistaken ideas about tobacco control policies affecting the economic income among service personnel, while supervision departments should further enforce the law.
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