本文选题:安全 + 知识 ; 参考:《中国学校卫生》2015年02期
【摘要】:目的了解辽宁省中学生及其家长对突发事件的安全知晓水平现状,为中学生安全健康教育提供依据。方法采用分层整群抽样方法,抽取辽宁省6个城市12所中学2 792名学生和2 769名家长,采用自行设计调查问卷进行调查,内容包括学生踩踏、伤害、溺水、食物中毒、触电、交通事件、火灾、地震8个方面的突发事件安全知识,家长对突发事件应对策略、自然灾害、公共卫生、人为事故、社会安全5个方面安全知识。结果中学生对踩踏、伤害、溺水、食物中毒、触电、交通事件、火灾、地震的安全知识知晓率分别为4.6%,19.9%,25.1%,31.8%,46.7%,49.1%,71.6%,72.9%;男生对触电安全知识的知晓率高于女生(χ2=8.99,P=0.00);不同年级学生对踩踏及溺水事件的安全知识知晓率差异有统计学意义(χ2值分别为15.45,20.18,P值均0.05);家长对突发事件的应对策略、人为事故、自然灾害、社会安全及公共卫生方面的安全知识知晓率依次为26.0%,27.9%,28.1%,45.6%,48.6%;高学历家长对突发事件安全知识的知晓率高于低学历家长(P值均=0.00);居住在城市的家长突发事件安全知识知晓率高于居住在农村的家长(P值均=0.00);家庭收入高的家长除社会安全知识外的突发事件安全知识知晓率高于家庭收入低的家长(P值均=0.00)。学生及家长获得安全知识的主要途径为电视、网络及报纸。结论中学生及家长的突发事件安全知识水平偏低,学生获得安全知识的主要途径为新闻媒体。要加强学校突发事件安全知识教育,发挥学校安全教育主渠道作用。
[Abstract]:Objective to investigate the safety awareness level of middle school students and their parents in Liaoning Province and to provide basis for safety and health education of middle school students. Methods 2 792 students and 2 769 parents from 12 middle schools in 6 cities of Liaoning Province were selected by stratified cluster sampling. The questionnaire was designed to investigate the students' stampede, injury, drowning, food poisoning and electrocution. Safety knowledge of traffic accident, fire and earthquake, safety knowledge of parents on emergency response strategy, natural disaster, public health, man-made accident and social security. Results Middle school students were affected by stampede, injury, drowning, food poisoning, electric shock, traffic accident, fire, The awareness rates of safety knowledge of earthquake were 25.1and 31.8and 46.7and 49.1and 79.1and 72.9respectively. The rate of knowledge about electric shock safety in boys was higher than that in girls (蠂 28.99p 0.00P; there were significant differences in safety knowledge of stampede and drowning among students of different grades (蠂 2 = 15.4520.18P, respectively). [WT5BZ] [WT5BZ] [WT5BZ] [WT5BZ] [WT5BZ] [WT5BZ] [WT5BZ] [WT5BZ] [WT5BZ] [WT5BZ] [WT5BZ] Parents' coping strategies for emergencies, Man-made accidents, natural disasters, The awareness rate of safety knowledge in social security and public health was and 45.68.6respectively; the rate of knowledge about emergency safety of parents with higher education was higher than that of low-educated parents (P) 0.000.The knowledge of emergency safety of parents living in cities was higher than that of low-educated parents. The rate was higher than that of parents living in rural areas, and the awareness rate of emergency safety knowledge of parents with high family income was higher than that of parents with low family income except social security knowledge. The main ways for students and parents to gain knowledge of safety are television, internet and newspapers. Conclusion the level of safety knowledge of middle school students and their parents is on the low side. The main way for students to acquire safety knowledge is the news media. It is necessary to strengthen the education of safety knowledge of school emergencies and give play to the main role of school safety education.
【作者单位】: 辽宁医学院护理学院;
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