本文选题:核事故 + 媒介环境 ; 参考:《河北大学》2012年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Mankind has experienced agricultural civilization and industrial civilization, and is evolving to the modern civilization paradigm of ecological civilization. The development of nuclear power is the extension of industrial civilization and the specific requirement and trend of the construction of ecological civilization. The reason why it is said to be "specific" rather than "inevitable" is that improper use of nuclear energy may cause extremely serious ecological crisis. The communication activities of nuclear accident are closely related to the media environment: first, the media environment is the "place" and "container" for the spread of nuclear accident, which determines the content, form and process of the communication of nuclear accident. In a sense, the media environment even contributes to the spread of nuclear accidents, or the role of escort. Second, nuclear accident communication potential constitutes a complete and unique media environment system. The nuclear accident communication system is composed of primary producers (communicators, secondary producers, media producers, tertiary producers, consumers, decomposers, recycling, etc.). Elements such as user and abiotic environment (natural and social environment) constitute a complete media environment. At the same time, the spread of nuclear accident belongs to a special kind of science and technology communication activity, in this environment, each link of "biological chain" is unique. Thirdly, nuclear accident communication is a way of material circulation, energy flow and information communication in mass media ecology. The theory of media ecology explores the interrelations and laws of movement among people, media, society and nature from the viewpoint and method of ecology, and through the interaction of material exchange, energy flow and information exchange between the four. Interdependence to explore how to form a dynamic balance of the unity of the whole. This paper first defines the nuclear accident, outlines the development course of the media ecological theory, and puts forward a beneficial angle of view to explain the relationship between the nuclear accident propagation and the media environment. Then the media environment and media ecological crisis in the transmission process of the two nuclear accidents, Chernobyl and Fukushima, are analyzed by comparing the two nuclear accidents of the highest level in the history of mankind, that is, the Chernobyl nuclear accident and the Fukushima nuclear accident. Finally, from the perspective of crisis propagation and combined with the development of nuclear power in China, the paper puts forward some basic strategies for managing these crises, that is, from the aspects of government leading, media function, enterprise participation, public popularization, ecological consciousness, and so on, to perfect the management mechanism in nuclear accident communication. Follow nature, respect science, spread rationally, construct nuclear safety culture system, promote the safe and efficient development of nuclear power in our country, and maintain the virtuous circle and balanced interaction of the whole media system.
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