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发布时间:2018-06-07 00:20

  本文选题:生长发育 + 趋势 ; 参考:《山东大学》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:[目的] 少年儿童处于生长发育的重要时期,其体质状况的好坏关系到全民族的健康素质。因此,促进少年儿童的生长发育具有重要的现实意义和深远的历史意义。生长发育是遗传因素及各种环境因素相互作用的结果,并遵循一些普遍规律。随着经济的发展和人民生活水平的提高,我国少年儿童的生长发育趋势也随之出现变化。本文通过比较山东省7-18岁少年儿童1985-2010年间的生长发育水平及生长速度,揭示其生长发育变化趋势和规律,并探讨社会环境条件变化背景下我省少年儿童生长发育变化趋势中存在的各种影响因素,进而提出针对性的改善和干预建议,为制定学校卫生工作发展规划提供科学依据。 [对象与方法] 本次研究的样本由山东省教育行政部门提供的1985年、1995年、2005年和2010年山东省学生体质与健康调研的原始数据组成。研究对象为7-18岁学生,按照户口所在地和性别分为城市男生、城市女生、乡村男生、乡村女生四类(以下简称四类人群)。调查内容包括一般情况、身体健康检查项目、体质状况测量指标(含身体形态、机能和运动素质等8项指标)。通过比较不同年代间体质状况测量指标的增长幅度及身高生长速度反映25年来山东省7-18岁少年儿童的生长发育水平和生长速度的变化趋势。 [结果] 一现状 城市男生身高、体重、超重/肥胖率、胸围、肺活量和速度素质发育水平均显著高于乡村男生(P0.05);而肌力素质和耐力素质发育水平明显低于乡村男生(P0.05)。城市女生身高、体重、胸围、肺活量和速度素质发育水平显著高于乡村女生(P0.05);而13-18岁年龄组城市女生耐力素质发育水平明显低于乡村女生(P0.05)。 二生长发育变化趋势 11985-2010年生长发育水平变化趋势 1.1形态指标 1.1.1四类人群平均身高分别增长了6.75cm、4.89cm、8.52cm、6.72cm。 1.1.2四类人群平均体重分别增长了11.40kg、6.59kg、11.29kg、6.65kg。 1.1.3四类人群超重率分别增长了16.41%、9.99%、14.76%、10.51%;肥胖率分别增长了17.07%、6.99%、14.49%、7.51%。 1.1.4四类人群平均胸围分别增长了12.75cm、11.21cm、11.00cm、9.53cm。 1.2机能指标 城市男生、城市女生、乡村女生平均肺活量分别下降了93.79ml、262.92ml、218.58ml;乡村男生平均肺活量增长了74.74ml。 1.3运动素质指标 1.3.1城市男生50米跑用时减少了0.05s;城市女生、乡村男生、乡村女生50米跑用时分别增加了0.04s、0.05s、0.33s。 1.3.2四类人群立定跳远成绩分别提高了3.92cm、2.69cm、13.05cm、5.23cm。 1.3.37-12岁年龄组城市男生和乡村男生斜身引体成绩分别提高了5.99次/分、20.11次/分;13-18岁年龄组城市男生和乡村男生引体向上成绩分别下降了3.77次/分、2.34次/分。城市女生仰卧起坐成绩下降了0.96次/分;乡村女生提高了3.20次/分。 1.3.4四类人群7-12岁年龄组50m*8往返跑用时分别增加了14.50s、8.45s、12.86s、10.58s。城市男生和乡村男生13-18岁年龄组1000米跑用时分别增加了46.75s、44.32s。城市女生和乡村女生13-18岁年龄组800米跑用时分别增加了44.80s、37.57s。 21985-2010年生长发育速度变化趋势 四类人群生长速度分别下降了0.15%、0.21%、0.27%、1.07%。 [结论] 1、2010年学生体质与健康调研结果显示,山东省7-18岁少年儿童生长发育状况仍存在城乡差距。 2、1985-2010年间,山东省7-18岁少年儿童的身体形态指标呈不同幅度增长,表现出明显的生长长期趋势。但生长速度趋于减缓,少年儿童超重/肥胖不断蔓延的形势非常严峻。 3、1985-2010年间,山东省7-18岁少年儿童的肺活量呈下降趋势。 4、1985-2010年间,山东省7-18岁少年儿童各项运动素质指标表现出不同的变化特点:下肢爆发力素质有一定程度提高,但速度素质、肌力素质和耐力素质均有不同程度下降。
Children are in an important period of growth and development. Their physical condition is related to the health quality of the whole nation. Therefore, it is of great practical and profound historical significance to promote the growth and development of children. Growth and development are the result of the interaction between the genetic factors and various environmental factors, and follow some general rules. With the development of economy and the improvement of people's living standard, the growth and development trend of young children in China has also changed. In this paper, the growth and development of 7-18 years old children in Shandong Province in 1985-2010 years are compared and the trends and laws of growth and development are revealed, and our province is discussed under the background of the change of social environment conditions. Various influencing factors in the trend of growth and development of children and children, and then the pertinent improvement and intervention suggestions are put forward to provide scientific basis for the development of the school health work development plan.
[object and method]
The sample of the study was made up of the original data of the students' physique and health survey in Shandong Province in 1985, 1995, 2005 and 2010, provided by the educational administration of Shandong province. The research object was 7-18 year old students. According to the location and sex of the residence, the students were divided into city boys, city girls, rural boys, and four kinds of rural girls (hereinafter referred to as four types of people). The survey includes general situation, physical health examination, physical condition measurement index (including 8 indexes of body shape, function and sports quality). The growth and growth rate of 7-18 year old children in Shandong Province in the past 25 years are reflected by comparing the growth rate of physical condition measurement index and height growth rate in different years. The trend of change.
A present situation
The height, weight, overweight / obesity rate, chest circumference, vital capacity and speed quality of urban boys were significantly higher than that of rural boys (P0.05), but the level of muscle strength and endurance quality was significantly lower than that of rural boys (P0.05). The level of height, weight, chest circumference, lung activity and speed quality of urban girls were significantly higher than that of rural girls (P0.05). And the endurance quality development level of urban girls aged 13-18 was significantly lower than that of rural girls (P0.05).
Two trend of growth and development
The trend of growth and development in the past 11985-2010 years
1.1 form index
The average height of the four groups of 1.1.1 increased by 6.75cm, 4.89cm, 8.52cm, 6.72cm. respectively.
The average weight of 1.1.2 four groups increased by 11.40kg, 6.59kg, 11.29kg, 6.65kg. respectively.
The overweight rate of 1.1.3 four groups increased by 16.41%, 9.99%, 14.76%, 10.51%, respectively, and the obesity rate increased by 17.07%, 6.99%, 14.49%, 7.51%. respectively.
1.1.4 the average chest circumference of the four groups increased by 12.75cm, 11.21cm, 11.00cm, 9.53cm. respectively.
1.2 functional indexes
The average vital capacity of urban boys, urban girls and rural girls decreased by 93.79ml, 262.92ml and 218.58ml respectively, and the average vital capacity of rural boys increased by 74.74ml.
1.3 index of sports quality
1.3.1 city boys 50 meters running time decreased by 0.05s; urban girls, rural boys, rural girls 50 meters running time increased by 0.04s, 0.05s, 0.33s.
1.3.2 four groups of people standing long jump scores increased by 3.92cm, 2.69cm, 13.05cm, 5.23cm.
The scores of urban boys and country boys in the age group of 1.3.37-12 age increased by 5.99 times / points and 20.11 times per cent respectively. The 13-18 year old age group of urban boys and rural boys dropped 3.77 times / points and 2.34 / points respectively. The city girls' sit ups decreased by 0.96 times / points, and the rural girls increased by 3.20 times / points.
The 7-12 year old age group of 1.3.4 four groups increased 14.50s, 8.45s, 12.86s, 10.58s. city boys and rural boys 13-18 year old age group 1000 meter running respectively increase 46.75s, 44.32s. city girls and rural girls 13-18 year old age group 800 meters run time do not increase 44.80s, 37.57s.. 37.57s.
The trend of growth and development in 21985-2010 years
The growth rate of the four groups decreased by 0.15%, 0.21%, 0.27%, 1.07%. respectively.
12010 years of physical fitness and health survey results showed that the growth and development of children aged 7-18 years in Shandong still exist gap between urban and rural areas.
In the past 21985-2010 years, the physical morphology of 7-18 years old children in Shandong province showed a significant growth trend, showing a significant growth trend, but the growth rate slowed down, and the prevalence of overweight / obesity in children was very severe.
During the 31985-2010 years, the lung capacity of children aged 7-18 years old in Shandong showed a downward trend.
In the past 41985-2010 years, the indicators of sports quality of 7-18 year olds and children in Shandong showed different characteristics: the lower limb explosive quality improved to a certain extent, but the speed quality, the strength quality and the endurance quality decreased in varying degrees.


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