本文选题:餐饮行业 + 食品安全 ; 参考:《复旦大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:目的: 研究上海市餐饮行业从业人员的食品安全认知、行为及相互关系,并探讨其影响因素,分析餐饮单位的量化监督评价等级与调查对象食品安全知识、行为的关系,为制定上海市餐饮行业从业人员食品安全健康教育干预策略提供依据。方法: 1.采用分层整群抽样方法,抽取来自上海市6个区县72家餐饮单位的餐饮行业从业人员989名。 2.采用自行设计的问卷,调查餐饮行业从业人员的食品安全知识、态度和行为。对于被调查的餐饮单位,收集最近一次的《餐饮服务食品安全量化监督检查表》资料。 3.选取餐饮行业从业人员,开展小组访谈,每组人数7-10人。选取部分餐饮行业的管理人员,开展个人访谈。 4.运用EpiData3.1软件建立数据库,采用SPSS13.0统计软件进行统计分析。采用x2检验、秩和检验、logistic回归分析、spearman相关分析等统计学方法进行数据分析。结果: 1.上海市餐饮行业从业人员对食品安全知识回答的平均正确率为67.2%。其中调查对象对食品留样、熟制加工食品中心温度、食品添加剂、食用油采购使用等知识回答的正确率较低,分别为37.7%、39.2%、47.2%、48.5%。 2.上海市餐饮行业从业人员对食品安全行为回答的平均正确率为80.7%。对使用温度计、洗手步骤行为的正确报告率较低,分别为36.5%、44.6%。 3.从业人员食品安全知识得分与行为得分的spearman相关系数为0.469(P=0.000),知识得分与行为得分呈显著正相关。 4.经多元逐步logistic回归分析,餐饮单位评价等级、文化程度、月收入、单位有操作规范的奖惩制度、单位平时开展食品安全培训是从业人员食品安全知识水平的影响因素,OR值及95%可信区间分别为1.439(1.107-1.872)、2.068(1.718-2.488)、1.352(1.155-1.582)、1.811(1.023-3.206)、4.291(2.587-7.116)。性别、年龄、文化程度、单位有操作规范的奖惩制度、有上海市食品药品监督所的培训合格证明、单位平时开展食品安全培训是从业人员食品安全行为水平的影响因素,OR值及95%可信区间分别为1.409(1.030-1.928)、1.014(1.000-1.029)、1.531(1.251-1.873)、1.283(1.064-1.547)、1.697(1.229-2.342)、3.119(2.066-4.710)。 5.调查的餐饮单位最近一次的《餐饮服务食品安全量化监督检查表》资料显示,有24家(33.3%)餐饮单位在检查时“场所环境-地面湿滑”项目扣分、10家(13.9%)餐饮单位在检查时“人员管理-加工经营过程中个人卫生不符合要求”项目扣分。 6.餐饮单位量化监督评价等级与调查对象的知识得分的spearman相关系数为0.067(P=0.036),评价等级为“良好”的研究对象知识得分较高。结论: 为提高上海市餐饮行业从业人员的食品安全认知状况、行为状况,建议运用健康教育行为改变理论,对餐饮从业人员开展以食品安全培训为主的多种形式的行为干预,同时在餐饮单位以危害分析关键控制点(Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point, HACCP)为依托,加强内部管理,创造支持性环境,探讨针对上海市餐饮行业从业人员食品安全的综合健康教育干预策略。
The food safety cognition, behavior and relationship of the employees in Shanghai catering industry are studied, and the influencing factors are discussed. The relationship between the quantitative supervision and evaluation grade of the catering units and the food safety knowledge and behavior of the investigation objects is analyzed, which provides the basis for formulating the intervention strategies of food safety and health education for the employees of the catering industry in Shanghai. Law:
1. a stratified cluster sampling method was used to extract 989 employees from 72 catering units in 6 districts and counties of Shanghai.
2. a self-designed questionnaire was used to investigate the food safety knowledge, attitude and behavior of the employees in the catering industry. For the catering units investigated, the latest quantitative supervision and inspection table for food safety of catering services was collected.
3. select the catering industry practitioners, carry out group interviews, each group of 7-10 people. Select some catering industry management personnel to carry out personal interviews.
4. the database was established by EpiData3.1 software and statistical analysis was carried out by SPSS13.0 statistical software. The data were analyzed by x2 test, rank sum test, logistic regression analysis, Spearman correlation analysis and other statistical methods.
1. the average correct rate of answer to food safety knowledge by the employees in Shanghai catering industry is 67.2%., the correct rate of knowledge answers to the food samples, the temperature of the cooked food center, the food additives and the purchase and use of the edible oil are lower, 37.7%, 39.2%, 47.2%, 48.5%., respectively.
2. the average correct rate of the employees' answer to food safety behavior in Shanghai catering industry is that the correct rate of use of the thermometer is 80.7%., and the correct reporting rate of hand washing steps is lower, 36.5%, 44.6%.
3. the Spearman correlation coefficient between employees' knowledge score and behavior score was 0.469 (P=0.000), and knowledge score was positively correlated with behavior score.
4. after multiple stepwise logistic regression analysis, the evaluation grade of catering unit, education level, monthly income, unit had the system of rewards and punishments, and the unit of food safety training was the influencing factor of the level of food safety knowledge of the employees, the OR value and the 95% confidence interval were 1.439 (1.107-1.872), 2.068 (1.718-2.488), 1.352 (1.155-1.5 82), 1.811 (1.023-3.206), 4.291 (2.587-7.116). Gender, age, education level, unit has the operational standard of reward and punishment system, Shanghai food and drug supervision of the training qualified certificate, the unit normally carry out food safety training is the level of food safety of the employees, the OR value and the 95% confidence interval are 1.409 (1.030-1.9 28), 1.014 (1.000-1.029), 1.531 (1.251-1.873), 1.283 (1.064-1.547), 1.697 (1.229-2.342), 3.119 (2.066-4.710).
5. the latest food and beverage service food safety quantitative supervision and inspection table of catering unit of the survey showed that 24 (33.3%) food and beverage units were deducted from the "ground environment wet slippery" project and 10 (13.9%) food and beverage units were deducted from the project "personal hygiene in the process of management and processing" during the inspection.
The Spearman correlation coefficient between the quantitative supervision evaluation grade of 6. catering units and the knowledge scores of the respondents was 0.067 (P=0.036).
In order to improve the food safety cognition and behavior status of the employees in the catering industry in Shanghai, it is suggested to use the theory of health education behavior change, to carry out various forms of behavioral intervention based on food safety training, and the key control point of the hazard analysis (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Poi) at the catering units. NT, HACCP) is based on strengthening internal management, creating a supportive environment, and exploring a comprehensive health education intervention strategy for the food safety of the employees in the catering industry in Shanghai.
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