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发布时间:2018-06-23 00:26

  本文选题:高渗 + 辐射敏感性 ; 参考:《第二军医大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:渗透压是机体内环境的重要组成部分,渗透压的平衡对于维持机体正常生理功能至关重要,因为渗透压是维持细胞体积的重要因素,同时还能影响机体的内环境的离子浓度[4]。正常情况下,机体渗透压维持在300mOsm左右,该渗透浓度称为等渗,低于300mOsm称为低渗,而高于300mOsm则称为高渗。虽然等渗对维持机体生理功能非常重要,但是渗透压失衡,尤其是发生高渗的暴露也是生物界中一种常见的现象[4]。例如许多的组织器官如肾小管,其周围渗透压可到达400mOsmol[5];人员在高温高湿条件下进行高强度作业可发生高渗性的脱水[11];还有自然界中许多生物生活在高盐高渗的海洋环境中。这些都说明渗透压作为一种常见的环境因素与地球上的生命活动息息相关。 电离辐射敏感性(radiation sensitivity)可用来描述辐射效应发生的速度和严重程度。影响辐射敏感性的环境因素很多,比如氧含量[1]、温度[2]、NO浓度[3]等等,这些因素的改变可直接或间接的影响电离辐射对机体的效应,而随着研究的深入,也有越来越多的环境因素被发现与电离辐射敏感性相关。但到目前为止,却未见有关渗透压与电离辐射敏感性关系的报道。那么,渗透压作为一种常见的环境因素,它的改变是否也能影响电离辐射对机体的效应呢? 事实上,渗透压的改变对细胞的影响已经有了很多的研究。渗透压的改变可导致细胞的体积发生变化,而细胞的许多信号分子位于细胞膜上,细胞的体积变化可扰动膜上的信号分子,导致细胞内下游的信号通路发生改变。这些信号通路中很多是与细胞凋亡、存活相关(图1)。而电离辐射对细胞的最重要的效应是引起凋亡,这就提示了细胞周围渗透压环境的改变与电离辐射敏感性之间存在相关分子基础的可能性。2010年的《JBC》杂志上报道一个研究,发现阻滞细胞在凋亡过程中体积的减小可阻止凋亡的发生。这说明细胞体积的改变与凋亡具有某种内在联系。而更进一步的证据则来自于2008年《Apoptosis》上的一篇报道[9]。该研究发现提前高渗预处理细胞可减轻STS对细胞的毒性作用,降低细胞的凋亡率。这一发现更加提示我们渗透压的改变影响电离辐射敏感性的可能性。 图1:渗透压改变对细胞信号通路的影响 基于以上的假设,我们开展了渗透压对于细胞电离辐射敏感性的研究。因为渗透压的改变最常见的是高渗的发生,因此本课题主要围绕着高渗环境对细胞的电离辐射敏感性影响而开展。本课题主体上分为两个部分(图2),一部分为效应研究,另一部分为机制研究。效应研究上通过检测细胞活力、增殖、凋亡、DNA损伤等指标系统评价高渗对于细胞电离辐射敏感性的影响,并在多种细胞中和不同溶质类型的高渗溶液下确证这一效应的普遍性。机制研究主要着眼于下游相关的信号通路和ROS水平的检测。通过以上的研究,我们发现高渗溶液的预处理可增加细胞照后的活力,减轻照射对细胞造成的增殖抑制、凋亡、DNA损伤;高渗可引起细胞发生调节性体积(RVI)导致K+内流增加,促进Akt1磷酸化,促使IκB-α降解,同时还可减少细胞内ROS含量。综上,我们得出结论高渗可减轻细胞电离辐射敏感性,这种效应是通过高渗引起细胞RVI,促进K+内流进而激活Akt1,使得其下游的NF-κB释放入核,最终促进细胞的照后存活而实现的。 图2:技术路线 研究内容: 1、L-O2细胞、HVUEC细胞、AHH-1细胞照射剂量与细胞活力关系曲线 (1)选取L-O2细胞,HUVEC细胞,AHH-1细胞通过检测细胞活力和凋亡率绘制不同照射剂量下细胞辐射敏感性的关系曲线为下一步实验选取合适照射剂量提供依据。 2、高渗对细胞辐射敏感性的影响 (1)用CCK-8法检测不同渗透压NaCl溶液经不同预处理时间对L-O2细胞辐射后细胞活力影响。 (2)CCK-8法检测高渗NaCl溶液对不同细胞(L-O2细胞、HVUEC细胞)电离辐射后细胞活力影响。 (3)克隆形成实验检测高渗NaCl溶液对L-O2细胞电离辐射后细胞增殖的影响。 (4)流式细胞仪和Hoechst33342检测高渗NaCl溶液对AHH-1细胞电离辐射后凋亡的影响。 (5)彗星实验检测高渗NaCl溶液对AHH-1细胞电离辐射后DNA损伤的影响。 (6)CCK-8法检测不同溶质类型高渗溶液对L-O2细胞照后细胞活力的影响。 3、高渗对Akt1激活的影响 (1)等渗/高渗NaCl溶液预处理AHH-1细胞,不同时间点提取蛋白,Western blot检测其中Akt1/p-Akt表达的情况 4、高渗导致的细胞调节性体积增加(RVI)与Akt1激活的关系 (1)将AHH-1细胞用高渗NaCl溶液处理,记录1h之内其体积的变化,并绘制变化曲线。 (2)用阳离子通道(HICC)阻滞剂氟芬那酸(FFA)作用于细胞,然后检测细胞体积的变化和Akt1的激活情况。 (3)用FFA处理细胞,检测其FFA是否能阻断高渗减轻细胞辐射敏感性的作用。 5、K+内流与细胞辐射敏感性之间的关系 (1)运用K+通道阻滞剂格列苯脲和开放剂吡那地尔作用于L-O2、AHH-1细胞,通过检测照后细胞活力、凋亡、增殖、DNA损伤等情况研究K+内流对细胞辐射敏感性的影响。 (2)检测K+通道阻滞剂格列苯脲和开放剂吡那地尔对AHH-1细胞Akt1激活的影响。 6、高渗对细胞内ROS水平的影响 (1)用DHE探针检测等渗/高渗以及格列苯脲对细胞照后ROS水平的影响。 实验结果: 1、L-O2细胞、HVUEC细胞、AHH-1细胞照射剂量与辐射敏感性关系 (1)通过检测L-O2细胞、HUVEC细胞和AHH-1细胞不同照射剂量下细胞活力及凋亡的情况,绘制出照射剂量-活力关系曲线,选取出合适的实验照射剂量(L-O2细胞为8Gy;AHH-1细胞为6Gy) 2、高渗减轻细胞辐射敏感性 (1)用CCK-8法检测不同渗透压NaCl溶液经不同预处理时间对L-O2细胞照射后细胞活力影响,发现短时间的高渗预处理(60min以内)与等渗组比较,可增加照后细胞活力,该效应在其他细胞(HUVEC、A549)中也存在。 (2)克隆形成实验发现高渗组比等渗组照后克隆形成率高,说明高渗NaCl溶液预处理能减轻辐射对L-O2细胞的增殖抑制作用。 (3)流式细胞检测和Hoechst33342检测AHH-1细胞6Gy照后24小时凋亡情况,结果显示高渗预处理相比等渗处理组,能减少细胞照射后的凋亡。 (6)彗星实验结果显示:高渗处理可减轻细胞照射后DNA的损伤。 (7)CCK-8法检测不同溶质类型高渗对细胞辐射敏感性影响,结果显示NaCl、KCl、蔗糖配制的高渗溶液均具有降低L-O2细胞辐射敏感性的作用。 3、高渗激活Akt1,增加p-Akt的表达 (1)用高渗NaCl溶液(500mOsm)孵育AHH-1细胞,分别于0、10、20、30、60min时间点收集细胞,提取蛋白,最通过Wertern blot检测Akt1、p-Akt(308)、IκB-α的表达差异。结果显示p-Akt(308)在60min内随时间变化而呈现表达增加的趋势,到60min时表达量最高;IκB-α则随时间点增加呈表达降低的趋势,60min时达到最低;Akt1表达量没有明显变化 4、高渗溶液通过细胞调节性体积增加(RVI)机制激活Akt1 (1)CASY-TT计数仪检测AHH-1细胞在等渗/高渗下细胞体积的变化,绘制出变化曲线,显示等渗NaCl处理条件下,AHH-1细胞体积没有发生明显的改变,而在高渗NaCl溶液中细胞体积立即减小,在1min时减到最小值,此后随着时间增加体积逐渐恢复,到20min时恢复到接近等渗状态下体积,证明高渗引起细胞RVI。 (2)检测细胞体积变化与Akt1激活的关系,结果显示随时间推移p-Akt(308)表达呈增加趋势。运用HICC阻滞剂FFA,其阻滞高渗条件下AHH-1细胞RVI的过程,同时也阻滞了高渗激活Akt1的作用。 (3)用FFA合并高渗处理细胞,发现FFA可阻滞高渗减轻细胞辐射敏感性的作用。 5、RVI引起K+内流进而激活Akt1,从而减轻细胞电离辐射敏感性 (1)K+通道阻滞剂格列苯脲阻滞了K+通道,减轻细胞电离辐射敏感性,而K+通道开放剂增加了电离辐射敏感性。 (2)K+通道阻滞剂格列苯脲可激活AHH-1细胞Akt1,,导致p-Akt(308)表达增多,而开放剂吡那地尔则阻滞了Akt1的激活。 6、高渗减少细胞内ROS水平 (1)用DHE探针检测等渗/高渗以及格列苯脲对细胞照后ROS水平的影响。结果显示等渗未照射组,细胞红色荧光下可见较清晰细胞染色形态;照射组红色荧光下则未能显示细胞形态,且荧光多集中于细胞核,说明照射后细胞ROS增多,但高渗与格列苯脲处理组较等渗组荧光强度小,说明高渗预处理和格列苯脲预处理可使照射后L-O2细胞内ROS减少。 讨论分析: 稳定的渗透压是维持机体内环境平衡的重要条件[1]。机体的渗透压常维持在290mOsm~300mOsm之间,当中很少发生较大的变动。但是机体有一部分组织器官可常暴露于高渗条件之下,比如肾髓质肾小管,因为要维持浓缩尿液的作用,肾小管周围的尿素、NaCl浓度随着向髓质的靠近而不断增高[5]。因此,髓质肾小管的内皮细胞可长期处于高渗之中。此外,一些哺乳动物可因适应环境的需要,体内渗透压并不一定维持在等渗,比如骆驼[6]其血浆的渗透压可高达400mOsm。还有一些生物,尤其是海洋生物[7],其长期生活在深海环境,经过亿万年的进化,已经很好适应了海水的高渗条件。从这些情况可见,高渗环境的暴露是生物界常见的现象,也是机体内渗透压变化的常见结果。 电离辐射敏感性的影响因素多年来已经有很多研究,包括乏氧[1]、温度[2]、NO浓度[3]等等。但渗透压对于电离辐射的影响却鲜有报道。事实上,高渗作为生物界一种常见的理化环境,其合并电离辐射的情况也时有发生,比如人员在劳动作业时,受环境温度以及劳动强度影响可发生高渗性脱水[11],导致体内细胞外液渗透压大于310mOsmol/kg,而这在核潜艇中人员作业时更易发生。在病理情况下,许多疾病患者如肝癌患者可因为肝脏功能障碍从而使得体内渗透压产生失衡,这种情况下患者如合并放疗会产生何种影响,也是临床治疗中需待解决的问题。除此之外,电离辐射对可造成细胞DNA断裂、细胞凋亡、周期阻滞。而高渗作为一种强烈的应激对细胞的影响与电离辐射类似,因此,两者之间是否有联系,尤其是对细胞凋亡是否能相互影响或调控,也是值得深入探讨的问题。很有意义的一个工作是Tomohiro Numata等[9]2008年报道高渗预处理细胞,可减少十字孢碱引起的凋亡。这种效应是通过阳离子通道(HICC)激活实现的。该通道激活可以引起阳离子的内流(主要是K+离子),而内流的阳离子可能参与到细胞的凋亡调控中,激活一些促进细胞存活的蛋白如Hsp70等[13],从而能降低十字孢碱的细胞毒作用。这一研究结果为我们提供了很好的借鉴,既然高渗预处理能减少药物对细胞的毒性作用,那是否也能减轻电离辐射对于细胞的损伤?因此,本研究以高渗对细胞辐射敏感性的影响为着眼点,系统(不同细胞、不同溶质类型高渗溶液)研究两者之间的相互关系及其机制。 研究结果显示:高渗溶液短时间预处理细胞可减轻电离辐射对细胞的损伤。其作用机制是通过高渗引起细胞调节性细胞体积增加(RVI),进而引起K+内流,而内流的K+激活了Akt1,IkB-α降解,Nf-kB释放入核,转录相关基因,促进细胞存活。同时,内流的K+还可以减轻ROS水平,减少其对细胞的损伤。
[Abstract]:osmotic pressure is an important part of the internal environment of the organism , and the balance of osmotic pressure is essential for maintaining the normal physiological function of the organism , because the osmotic pressure is an important factor to maintain the cell volume , and can also influence the ionic concentration of the internal environment of the organism . Under normal conditions , the osmotic pressure of the organism is maintained around 300mOsm , which is called isosmotic , below 300mOsm is called hypotonic , while higher than 300mOsm is called hyperosmotic . Although isosmosis is very important to maintain physiological function of organism , osmotic pressure imbalance , especially the exposure to hyperosmosis , is a common phenomenon in the biological community . For example , many tissue organs , such as renal tubules , have a peripheral osmotic pressure of up to 400 mlt ; l & gt ; l & lt ; 1 & gt ; l & lt ; 1 & gt ; l ;
Under high temperature and high humidity conditions , the high - permeability dehydration of water can occur in 11 DEG C .
There are also many living organisms living in high - salt and high - permeability marine environments . These indicate that osmotic pressure is a common environmental factor that is closely linked to life activities on Earth .

Radiation sensitivity can be used to describe the speed and severity of radiation effect . The environmental factors affecting radiation sensitivity are many , such as oxygen content , temperature , NO concentration , and so on . The changes of these factors can directly or indirectly affect the effect of ionizing radiation on the organism . However , there are more and more environmental factors that have been found to be related to the sensitivity of ionizing radiation .

In fact , changes in osmotic pressure have made a lot of studies on the effect of osmotic pressure on cells . Changes in osmotic pressure can cause changes in the volume of cells . Many of these signaling molecules are located on the cell membranes . The most important effect of ionizing radiation on cells is the possibility of a correlation between changes in cell volume and susceptibility to ionizing radiation . This finding suggests that early hyperosmotic pretreatment cells can reduce the toxicity of STS to cells and decrease the apoptosis rate of cells . This finding suggests that the change of osmotic pressure affects the susceptibility to ionizing radiation .

Figure 1 : Effect of osmotic pressure changes on cell signaling pathways

Based on the above assumptions , we conducted a study on the susceptibility of osmotic pressure to ionizing radiation of cells . Because of the most common changes in osmotic pressure , the effects of hyperosmosis on the susceptibility to ionizing radiation of cells were studied .
In conclusion , it is concluded that hyperosmotic can reduce the susceptibility to ionizing radiation in cells , which can reduce the intracellular ROS content . In conclusion , we conclude that high permeability can reduce the susceptibility to ionizing radiation in cells . This effect is achieved by high permeability to induce cell RVI , promote K + influx and activate Akt1 , so that the downstream NF - 魏B is released into the nucleus and finally promotes the survival of the cells .

Figure 2 : Technical Route

Study Content :

1 , L - O2 cell , HVUEC cell , AHH - 1 cell irradiation dose and cell viability relationship curve

( 1 ) selecting L - O2 cells , HUVEC cells and AHH - 1 cells to draw the relation curve of cell radiation sensitivity at different irradiation doses by detecting cell viability and apoptosis rate , and selecting the appropriate irradiation dose according to the next step .

2 . Effect of Hypertonic on Cell Radiation Sensitivity

( 1 ) Using CCK - 8 method to detect the effect of different osmotic pressure NaCl solution on the cell viability after irradiation with different pretreatment time on L - O2 cells .

( 2 ) CCK - 8 method was used to detect the effect of NaCl solution on cell viability after ionizing radiation in different cells ( L - O2 cells , HVUEC cells ) .

( 3 ) The effect of high osmotic NaCl solution on the proliferation of L - O2 cells after ionizing radiation was investigated .

( 4 ) Flow cytometry and hoechst 33342 were used to detect the effect of NaCl solution on the apoptosis of AHH - 1 cells after ionizing radiation .

( 5 ) The effect of high osmotic NaCl solution on DNA damage after AHH - 1 cell ionizing radiation was detected by comet assay .

( 6 ) CCK - 8 method was used to detect the effect of different solute types on cell viability after irradiation with L - O2 .

3 . Effect of Hypertonic on Akt1 Activation

( 1 ) The AHH - 1 cells were pretreated with isosmotic / hyperosmotic NaCl solution , and protein was extracted at different time points . Western blot was used to detect the expression of Akt1 / p -

4 . Relationship between cell regulatory volume increase ( RVI ) and Akt1 activation induced by hyperosmosis

( 1 ) The AHH - 1 cells were treated with a highly osmotic NaCl solution and the volume changes were recorded within 1 h , and the curve was plotted .

( 2 ) A cationic channel ( HICC ) blocker flufenamic acid ( FFA ) was used to act on the cell , and then the change of cell volume and the activation of Akt1 were detected .

( 3 ) FFA was used to treat the cells and detect whether FFA could block the radiosensitivity of the cells .

5 . Relationship between K + influx and cell radiation sensitivity

( 1 ) The effect of K + influx on cell radiation sensitivity was studied by means of K + channel blocker and open dose of piraridil on L - O2 and AHH - 1 cells .

( 2 ) To examine the effect of K + channel blocker glyburide and open dose piazir on the activation of AHH - 1 cell Akt1 .

6 . Effect of Hypertonic on the Level of ROS in Cells

( 1 ) Using DHE probe to detect the effects of isosmotic / hyperosmotic and glimepiride on post - cell ROS level .

Experimental results :

1 銆




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