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发布时间:2018-06-25 06:49

  本文选题:宁波口岸 + 入境传染病监管 ; 参考:《宁波大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In accordance with the requirements of the International Health regulations, the "International Health Port" is equipped with sound health control and protection facilities, an effective health management mechanism, and can also meet the needs of the international community for the prevention and control of diseases, nuclear, biological, chemical and harmful factors. World Health Organization approved international navigable port. In recent years, Ningbo has continuously increased investment in port health infrastructure and established and perfected the health management mechanism that has been gradually developed and formed in the past few decades. It is necessary to improve the ability of responding to public health emergencies at ports and the ability of building long-term mechanism of health control, which is necessary for the establishment of "international health port". The first part of this paper expounds the concept and significance of International Health Port, including the establishment of Ningbo Port. At present, some port areas of Ningbo Port have successfully passed the World Health Organization's acceptance check, and it is expected that all the port areas will successfully establish the "International Health Port" by the end of 2016. The establishment of "International Health Port" has policy and practical significance to Ningbo. The second part of this paper analyzes the problems existing in Ningbo Port from the theory and practice of the current supervision mechanism of infectious diseases. In the context of the establishment of the "International Health Port," various departments at Ningbo Port have coordinated the establishment of an entry prevention and control mechanism for internationally prevalent infectious diseases such as influenza A (H1N1) and Ebola, which are necessary for the new era. In recent years, a number of suspected cases of infection of immigration personnel were handled. By comparing with other "international health ports" abroad and analyzing the process of disposal practice, this paper points out that there are insufficient information linkage among different departments in the disposal practice of infectious disease and epidemic personnel in the past. This paper analyzes the problems of the functional department personnel's self-protection and the lack of public information channel. Finally, this paper puts forward some suggestions to improve the supervision system of infectious diseases in Ningbo port: to perfect the linkage mechanism of cooperative departments, to upgrade the staff skills and to establish communication channels with the media, etc. It is the first time that the cooperative department should be simplified, which is different from the traditional idea of prevention and control of the whole society, which is the innovation of this paper. These improvements will interact with the creation of an international health port in Ningbo.


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