[Abstract]:Objective to select the women of childbearing age in three counties of Kongtong, Huating and Zhuanglang counties in Pingliang. The purpose of this study is to analyze the health status and health needs of women of childbearing age in Pingliang, to understand the status of childbearing women in Pingliang and to understand the knowledge of AIDS, and to analyze the main factors affecting the health of women in Pingliang; thus, the main factors affecting the health of women in Pingliang are analyzed. According to the actual situation of Pingliang City, according to the actual situation of the city, the county economic conditions, urban and rural areas, traffic conditions and other characteristics of stratified sampling, random sampling Kongtong District, Huating County, Zhuanglang County three counties as the investigation site, Kongtong District representative cities, Huating county and Zhuanglang County represent the countryside, each county area according to the economic situation Three townships (towns) were pumped into 3 villages (communities) in each township (town), and 50 people were randomly investigated in each village (community). A total of 1378 women of childbearing age were investigated at a sample point of 15~49 years old women of childbearing age. The results of this survey showed that the primary school education of women of childbearing age in three counties was (42.31%), college and college or higher. The education level accounted for only 0.73%; the occupation of women of childbearing age was mainly farmers (93.83%); the main ethnic group was Han nationality (86.87%); marriage was married mainly (99.56%); the household registered permanent residence (70.46%).1378 cases of childbearing age women's chronic disease rate 51.51%, the proportion of receiving treatment was 71.97%, the difference of three counties was tested by chi square test, the difference was unified. Study significance (P0.05); the two week prevalence rate of women of childbearing age was 77.21%. The difference between three counties was statistically significant (P0.05). After two weeks of illness, the proportion of receiving treatment was 71.80%, the difference between three counties and counties was not statistically significant (P0.05); the rate of receiving gynecologic examination was 73.03%, and the difference between three counties was tested by chi square test, and the difference was poor. The difference was statistically significant (P0.05); the prevalence rate of gynecologic diseases was 51.61%, and the difference between three counties and counties was not statistically significant (P0.05). The rate of receiving treatment for gynecologic diseases was 73.32%, and the difference between three counties was statistically significant (P0.05) among married or widowed women, 25 cases (1.81%) had no pregnancy (1.81%), and one pregnancy was pregnant. 299 cases (21.70%), 640 pregnancies two times (46.44%), 237 pregnant three times (17.20%), 135 cases (9.80%), 135 pregnancies and more than five times, the number of pregnancies was compared to the card test, the difference was statistically significant (P0.05), the fertility situation and pregnancy were basically the same, but the pregnant women were basically the same, but the pregnancy situation and pregnancy were basically the same, but Pregnancy 3 times and more than 3 times, the number of childbirth is less than the pregnancy, may be caused by abortion. The number of birth times in three counties was compared with the card test, the difference was statistically significant (P0.05). The proportion of pregnant women in this paper was 54.07%, the difference between three counties was not statistically significant (P0.05). The proportion of health examination for free prenatal eugenics was 89.19%. The difference between three counties and counties was not statistically significant (P0.05). The overall awareness rate of AIDS was 62.26%, the overall awareness rate of Huating county was 65.15%, the overall awareness rate of Kongtong district was 58.24%, the overall awareness rate in Zhuanglang county was 63.99%, and the difference between three counties was tested by chi square test. No statistical significance (P0.05). Conclusion the educational level of women of childbearing age in Pingliang is generally not high, but chronic diseases and two weeks' prevalence rate is high, but the rate of medical treatment is not high. The Logistic regression model shows that the age of the women of childbearing age, the type of household registration, the health status, the convenience of the medical institution and so on are the influencing factors of the medical treatment. The rate of gynecologic examination is low, the rate of receiving treatment for gynecologic diseases in women of childbearing age is low, and the degree of women's education is the main influencing factor of women's gynaecologic disease. Most of the women in the survey are pregnant two times, have two children, and the proportion of pregnant women in the prenatal period is low, and the rate of AIDS awareness among women of childbearing age is not high.
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