[Abstract]:Objective to investigate the (SHS) exposure, no smoking label and the knowledge level of tobacco hazard among public workers. Methods from April to July 2014, 6 project areas (counties) were selected from the national demonstration area for comprehensive prevention and control of chronic diseases. A questionnaire survey was conducted among 1,676 staff in 3 kinds of public places in government agencies and catering institutions. Results 90.58% of the respondents indicated that they did not smoke, of which 65.48% were exposed to SHS. Food & Beverage: OR3. 094 / 95 / CI1.752 / 5.464), Economic region (Eastern VS. The western part is 0.439 and 95, the central part is 0.330 and 0.582; the middle part is VS. The western part of the country is 0.699 / 95 / 0. 522 / 0. 936), urban and rural distribution (city vs. In the countryside, the level of education was 0.574 and 0.902 (junior college and above). (P0.05) 92.57% of the respondents reported that they had seen anti-smoking signs or related anti-smoking propaganda in their workplaces in the past month. Multi-factor analysis found that the type of place (Medical vs. Catering: OR5.44995CI2.63311.276; government vs.2.63311.276) was the influential factor of SHS exposure (medical vs food and beverage: OR5.44995CI2.63311.276; government vs food and beverage: OR5.44995CI2.63311.276). Food and Beverage: ORO 0.438 / 95 / CI0.205 / 0.934), Economic region (Eastern VS. West: OR2.01595 CIQ 1.296 / 3.135; central vs. The western part of the country is 9. 556 and 95. I have 4.609 / 19.814), urban and rural distribution (city vs. In the countryside, the number is 2.567 / 95 / 1.667 / 3.951) and gender (female vs.) The influence factor of male was 0.389 (0.389) and 0.248 (0.608) (P0.05). The correct answer rate of tobacco hazard related knowledge was between 44.10% and 92.74%. The low tar (44.10%) and light taste (47.54%) cigarette questions were the lower ones. Conclusion the SHS exposure of public workers is serious, so it is necessary to further promote the anti-smoking label coverage, improve the knowledge level of tobacco hazards, and promote the introduction and enforcement of relevant laws and regulations to prevent SHS exposure.
【作者单位】: 中国疾病预防控制中心慢性非传染性疾病预防控制中心;新疆维吾尔自治区疾病预防控制中心;南昌市疾病预防控制中心;
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