[Abstract]:Objective: 1. to understand the health of renal function in a population of atypical cadmium pollution in Hubei, and to estimate the Urinary Cadmium (U-Cd) baseline measurement (Benchmark dose, BMD) and its lower limits (Lower Confidence Limit of the Benchmark); and 2. to establish soil cadmium content and rice cadmium and kidney function loss. The relationship between S-Cd and R-Cd and renal function health effect index between N- acetyl - beta -D- aminoglucosidase (Urinary N-Acety- beta -D-Glucosaminidase, U-NAG) and urinary beta _2- microglobulin (Urinary beta _2-Microglobulin, U- beta) A typical cadmium contaminated area was used as the survey site, and 5 residents in the area were selected as the investigation object to collect the basic information of the population by issuing questionnaires. In the first stage, the morning urine of 1 (1828 people) of the target population was collected and the content of U-Cd, U-NAG and U- beta _2MG were detected, and the regression analysis and card were used. The relationship between U-Cd and effect index U-NAG and U- beta _2MG was explored by square test and other correlation analysis methods, and BMD and BMDL on U-Cd (Benchmark dose system, BMDS) were used to evaluate the BMD and BMDL of U-Cd. In the second stage, the morning urine of 2 (97 people) of the target population, the rice samples they were eaten and the soil samples of the rice were planted. The correlation analysis, regression analysis, chi square test and path analysis were used to explore the relationship between S-Cd, R-Cd and U-Cd, U-NAG and U- beta _2MG. The BMDS software was used to evaluate the BMD/BMDL. results of S-Cd and R-Cd. Analysis, chi square test and linear chi square test confirmed that there was a significant positive relationship between U-NAG and U- beta _2MG level and U-Cd, and U- beta _2MG was more obvious than U-NAG. The BMDS software estimated that when U- beta _2MG was used as the effect index, the BMDL value of U-Cd in male population was 1.19 mu, and the total population was 119 mu. The BMDL of U-Cd to U-Cd was much lower than that of the domestic exposed population exposed to cadmium 5 mu g/g Cr. The second stage results showed that the excess rate of S-Cd content in this area was 57.73%, the excess rate of R-Cd content was 17.53%., and the soil cadmium and rice and cadmium pollution in this area were very serious; through correlation analysis, path analysis and so on There is a significant positive correlation between the content of rice and cadmium and the content of cadmium in soil. There is a significant correlation between cadmium and rice and cadmium in soil and U-Cd, U-NAG and U-[beta _2MG. The data of cadmium and rice and cadmium in soil are processed into two classification data, and BMDS software is used to estimate the limit level of the two. The BMD/BMDL of soil cadmium is 0.18/0.14 mg/ Kg, the BMD/BMDL of rice cadmium is 0.09/0.06 mg/kg. conclusion: 1. confirms the migration route of cadmium in soil by adsorption of rice root and then in human body. It shows that soil cadmium and rice and cadmium can be used as monitoring indexes of environmental cadmium pollution. In environmental cadmium exposure assessment,.2. is more sensitive U- beta _2MG as the effect index. The BMDL level of U-Cd is 1.09-1.19 mu g/g Cr, which is lower than the U-Cd contact limit of exposed population in the domestic cadmium polluted area. 5 mu g/g Cr. suggests that the sensitive U- beta _2MG is used as the effect index when evaluating the risk of environmental cadmium pollution. The cadmium BMDL is 0.14mg/kg and the BMDL of rice and cadmium is 0.06 mg/kg, which are lower than the relevant standards in China. Compared with the related studies in Japan, the results are very similar. It is suggested that the limit level of the soil cadmium and rice cadmium standards should be reduced properly.
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