[Abstract]:New nicotinic insecticides are the most important synthetic insecticides in the past thirty years. Although they are similar to nicotine in structure and behavior, new nicotinic insecticides originate from one by one, but are structural breakthroughs and attempts to become leading insecticides. With the widespread use of new nicotinic insecticides, its toxicity and its effects are The influence of the environment is becoming increasingly important. Imidacloprid is an insecticide based on nicotine, which is similar to neurotoxin and is a new nicotinic insecticide. Cell culture model is used to study the toxicity of imidacloprid to mammalian cells. The use of F11 cell lines to study the toxicity of imidacloprid to neuron cells is a reliable method. The.F11 cell line is heterozygous from the terminal cells of the mouse embryonic spinal nerve and the rat neuroma cell line (N18TG2). This cell line keeps the chromatin of rats and mice and can synthesize and express their isozymes, and can show unique behavioral characteristics and binding of surface receptors.
Imidacloprid was basically stable in this study, and its metabolites were not found in the study. The semi inhibitory rate of imidacloprid for the F11 cell line count test under 48 hours of serum culture was 1.21mM, so its toxicity was smaller for this cell. The toxicity of the imidacloprid from the MTT test indicated the growth and survival of the F11 cell line. It is more sensitive to imidacloprid, and nicotine is less toxic to imidacloprid than the imidacloprid under the experimental conditions. F11 cell line is more sensitive to imidacloprid than that of imidacloprid.
The toxic effects of Imidacloprid on the morphology of F11 cell lines were also studied. The F11 cell line bred by imidacloprid had a large difference from the control experiment from the morphological point of view, showing the toxic effects of imidacloprid to the nerve cells. Differential phase phase interference microscope and anti beta -tubulin labeling fluorescence microscopy were used. The F11 cells of the imidacloprid (imidacloprid) cells observed by the mirror showed obvious atrophy. The F11 cells treated with imidacloprid under the condition of starvation were also able to observe the aggregates of beta -tubulin. The integrity of the F11 cell membrane labeled by wheat lectin was broken under the cultivation of imidacloprid, and the destruction of the cell membrane was likely to be high concentration. One of the apoptotic cells induced by imidacloprid (imidacloprid), one of the expression of cytoplasm in F11 cells under the long term treatment of imidacloprid, is also one of the manifestations of cell apoptosis.
Imidacloprid interferes with the synthesis of F- actin, and the toxic effects on F- actin formation due to the complexity of the cytoskeleton are likely to be transmitted to other actin binding proteins, actin service proteins and actin capture proteins. The expression of nAChRs subunits of beta 2 indicates that Imidacloprid Up to up: synthesis of lAChRs. Application of imidacloprid treated F11 cell lines can initiate MAPK cell signaling pathway and Nrf2 cell signal transduction pathway.Nrf2 can regulate the antidote related enzymes that encode antioxidant related enzymes and heterostructures. The application of phosphorylated -p38 protein blocking agents can partially reduce imidacloprid to F11 fines The toxicity of -p38 protein in the F11 cells induced by imidacloprid was indeed involved in the signal transduction of cell apoptosis. Nicotine may have a lower toxicity to the F11 cell line because of nicotine, which can induce more Nrf2 protein activity in the cell than the adhulline.
In short, the behavior of Imidacloprid in F11 cells may be described as follows. Imidacloprid binding to the nAChRs receptor in the cell membrane can excessively activate the receptor and thus open the ion channel located on the receptor by changes in the receptor morphology. The surge of sodium and potassium ions interferes with potential potential balance on the membrane surface. It will lead to some chronic toxic effects and increased intracellular ROS concentration, so two different signal transduction pathways are activated: Nrf2 antioxidant cell signal transduction pathway and p38 cell apoptosis signal transduction pathway.Nrf2 desorption of KEAP protein located on the cell membrane and transferred to the nucleus of the cell, combined with the antioxidant response on the DNA chain. On the components, the expression of anti oxidant oxidase and detoxification enzyme are activated and the antioxidant capacity of cells is enhanced. A large number of active oxygen enriched in cells may also activate the active.P38 protein kinase of p38 mitotic protein kinase, which may regulate the apoptotic pathway induced by imidacloprid.
In this paper, there are still some problems that need further research. First, the toxic effects of Imidacloprid on mammalian tissues are unknown. The behavior of Imidacloprid in the cells and tissues is necessarily different, and the toxic effects of Imidacloprid in the mammalian group are in the environment. Status and function must have an irreplaceable role. Secondly, some interesting and important research can not be carried out limited to laboratory conditions. For example, the function of the whole cell current detection (?) AChRs and the substructure of the high resolution scanning tunneling microscope (high resolution scanning tunneling microscope) are all interesting and important for this subject. Finally, the conclusion of this paper is the conclusion of this paper. A further study of.P38 protein sealers and N- acetylcysteine can partly reduce the toxicity of imidacloprid to F11 cells, indicating that cell apoptosis and antioxidant mechanisms play an important role in cell death under imidacloprid treatment. However, there are other factors that lead to cell death and the removal of p38 protein. It is also unknown whether the regulation of apoptosis pathway plays other roles in the F11 cell line.
Using the F11 cell line to study the toxicity of imidacloprid to mammalian neurons, this method provides a different but important approach, although there are some problems. In view of some of the useful results obtained, we hope to do some more in-depth research in this field.
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