[Abstract]:First, the research background.
In the past 20 years, the living conditions of pregnant women and children in China have improved significantly, and have basically reached the Millennium Development Goals 4 and 5 set by the United Nations. However, the survival and health of pregnant women and children are still facing two great challenges. First, the lack of integration and continuity in China's maternal and child health system has made maternal and child health clothing. The cost-effectiveness of services is not maximized. Second, the overall improvement in maternal and child survival masks regional and population differences. Previous studies have clearly integrated a number of maternal and child health interventions that can effectively reduce maternal and child mortality. Health, bridging the differences between different regions and populations, we need to comprehensively reflect the continuity of maternal and child health care interventions coverage indicators, and the coverage of interventions in different regions and different groups of differences in analysis, not only conducive to the rational direction and allocation of health services resources, but also can be clear about the need for heavy Point out intervening crowd and formulate corresponding intervention strategy.
In recent years, there has been an increasing research interest in the equity of maternal and child health both at home and abroad. In developing countries, studies have found that the coverage of maternal and child health interventions in families with good socio-economic conditions is generally better than that in families with poor socio-economic conditions, urban areas, highly educated, and maternal and child health services in non-ethnic minorities. The utilization of maternal health care in poor families is poor in rural areas.
However, the existing literature has the following limitations: 1) There is no indicator system of maternal and child intervention measures reflecting the continuity of health care. 2) The conclusion of the study on the equity of prenatal and postnatal health care is inconsistent and needs further validation and analysis. Research on fairness of health services at individual level and factors affecting fairness are few.
In this study, the coverage rate of maternal and child health interventions was evaluated by selecting indicators and unfair measures were used to describe the status quo and unfairness of maternal and child health interventions at different levels in China.
Two, research methods.
The data of this study were collected from 56 456 households in 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government in 2008. The trained health workers used structured questionnaires to ask questions. Data were collected from 4,414 mothers and children aged 15-49 and under 5 years. The sample size was 7,414 mothers and children for prenatal, intrapartum and postpartum interventions and early breast-feeding. For children with diarrhea, the total sample size was 9639 children under 5 years of age.
By reviewing the current international and domestic indicators of maternal and child health interventions coverage, 11 maternal and child health interventions coverage rates were selected as the core indicators for analysis. The absolute difference and relative ratio were used to quantitatively analyze the regional differences, and the geographical distribution map was used to visually show the distribution of the provinces. The per capita annual living expenditure was used as the basis for dividing the social and economic conditions of the population, and the absolute and relative indexes of health inequality (concentration index) were used to measure the pregnant and lying-in women. Equity in coverage of maternal and child health interventions was calculated by (Q1-Q2) / (Q5-Q4) and charts.
Three, research findings
(1) the current situation of maternal and child health intervention measures
The coverage rates of at least one prenatal care and hospital delivery were 94.65% and 89.55%, respectively. The coverage rates of supplementary food, immunization and oral rehydration for diarrhea in childhood were 72.45%, 80.38% and 73.96%, respectively. The coverage rates of at least one postnatal visit were 53.94%. The coverage rates of basic quality of antenatal examination and antenatal care at least 5 times and meeting the basic quality of antenatal examination were 62.01% and 39.08%, respectively.
(two) regional differences in maternal and child health interventions coverage
By regional and provincial analysis, the lowest level of maternal and child health interventions is still concentrated in Western provinces, such as Yunnan, Qinghai, Guizhou, Xinjiang and Tibet. In addition, compared with the high coverage rate (95%) with at least one antenatal care, only 66%, 52% and 62% had at least four or five antenatal care and met the basic quality of antenatal care, while the proportion with at least five antenatal care and met the basic quality of antenatal care was lower (39.08%).
(three) fairness of maternal and child health interventions coverage
Regardless of the overall coverage, the prenatal, intrapartum and postpartum health care concentration index is greater than 0, suggesting that there is a trend of increasing coverage with the increase of family socio-economic conditions, that is, pro-rich phenomenon, and the degree of inequity between different indicators also varies. The richest and poorest groups have at least five prenatal care. The absolute difference between the coverage of basic quality of antenatal care reached 57%, and the coverage of the richest was 3.94 times that of the poorest. There was also a gap in coverage rate (25% difference, 1.58 ratio). Only 6 months of exclusive breastfeeding was found to be unfair (concentration index = - 0.93, P 0.0001), and the coverage rate declined with the rise of family socio-economic conditions, i.e.'pro-poor'. Significant inequalities.
An analysis of unfair types found that interventions with high overall coverage (> 90%) such as at least one antenatal care, hospital delivery, and the unfair type was bottom, suggesting that the coverage of interventions in the 20% of the population with the worst socio-economic status in the family lagged significantly behind other levels, while interventions with low coverage (> 39% - 70%). Measures (e.g. at least five prenatal care, early prenatal care, quality prenatal care, at least four prenatal care and quality prenatal care, and at least five prenatal care and quality prenatal care) are of the top type, i.e. 20% of the population with the best socio-economic status in the family. The coverage of intervention measures is obviously better than that of other grades.
(four) factors affecting inequity
Per capita annual expenditure on household living accounts for the largest proportion of unfair prenatal and postnatal care (47.05% - 118.8%). The influencing factors of the "rich" contribution included the east, middle and west regions (contribution rate 0.1540) and the mother's occupation (contribution rate 0.1474). The unfair factors of in-hospital delivery were maternal education level (contribution rate 0.3690), family per capita annual consumption expenditure (contribution rate 0.2401) and maternal parity (contribution rate 0.1768).
Four. Conclusion
Prenatal health care and childhood immunization coverage have reached a high level, but postnatal health care and infant feeding coverage are low. The lowest maternal and child health interventions are still concentrated in western provinces and rural areas of type IV, suggesting that Western and remote rural areas are still not effectively covered by maternal and child health interventions, which is the focus of future maternal and child health work. In addition, although the coverage rate of crude interventions in antenatal care is high, the quality of antenatal care is poor and the regional differences are great. It can be seen that even if medical and health services have reached a high level. Utilization, such as not strengthening the service quality of medical and health institutions, improving the skills and service level of health workers, maternal and child health interventions have not yet fully benefited the target population, effectively improving the survival and health of pregnant women and children. Pro-rich phenomena will increase with the increase of economic conditions, but the unfair types of intervention are not the same. The study of unfair types will also help to understand the law and trend of unfairness in the implementation process of interventions, so as to adopt different strategies to bridge the unfairness as far as possible.
The annual per capita living expenditure of the family accounts for the largest proportion of prenatal and postnatal health care inequities, indicating that the main factor affecting prenatal and postnatal health care inequities is the family's purchasing power for prenatal and postnatal related health care services. The contribution of ministries and regions to unfairness shows that the mother's occupation and the middle and western regions also have a certain impact on the unfairness of medical and health service utilization during pregnancy. Establish the monitoring and evaluation system of maternal and child health equity, continuously monitor the equity of maternal and child health interventions and influencing factors, identify key groups and establish a tracking mechanism to provide theoretical basis and evidence support for promoting the fair use of health services.
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