[Abstract]:The edible soybean in China has a history of more than 1000 years. Soybean contains a lot of high-quality protein, vitamins and various functional ingredients. Soybean products are various, and its mainstream products are non-fermented soybean products. Hot bacteria, resulting in spoilage and short shelf life.
In this study, we mainly analyzed the heat-resistant bacteria in non-fermented soybean products, and then analyzed the effects of various factors (mainly coagulation conditions, including coagulant and soybean protein concentration) on heat-resistant bacteria in soybean products, and determined different production processes.
1. Isolation and identification of heat-resistant bacteria in non-fermented soybean products: Firstly, 19 spoilage bacteria were isolated from deteriorated non-fermented soybean products (provided by Hunan Ren Zai Xia Fan Cai Food Co., Ltd.) by microbial separation and purification technology, and three of them were identified as heat-resistant bacteria by heat-resistant test (115 C/10 min). The bacteria were identified as Bacillus subtilis by physiological and biochemical identification and molecular biological identification.
2. The effects of solidification conditions on thermotolerant bacteria in non-fermented soybean products were as follows: (1) Calcium sulfate (3%), magnesium chloride (2.5%), gluconate-6-lactone (3%) and glutamine transaminase (1%) were used as coagulants respectively, and the effects of coagulants at different concentrations on bacteria were analyzed by comparing the survival rates of thermotolerant bacteria after heat treatment. (2) Soybean milk with 1:4, 1:5, 1:6, 1:7 and 1:8 water concentration was used respectively to analyze the effect of different concentrations of soybean protein on bacteria by comparing the residual rate of heat-resistant bacteria after heat treatment. The protein concentration can reduce the heat resistance of bacteria.
3. Determining the optimum production process of non-fermented soybean products: According to the principle of Box-Behnken central composite experimental design, the production process of non-fermented soybean products was optimized by using Minitab14 data statistical analysis software and response surface methodology at 4 factors and 3 levels. The optimum solidification conditions were calcium sulfate 1.2%, magnesium chloride 0.67% and gypsum 1.4%. The concentration of soybean milk was 1:7. Combining with the growth of bacteria and sensory characteristics of non-fermented soybean products, the optimum sterilization process of non-fermented soybean products (dried soybean products) was 112 C/10 min.
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