[Abstract]:OBJECTIVE: To establish an up-converting phosphor technology-based lateral-flow (UPT-LF)'determination method for aflatoxin M1 in dairy products and aflatoxin B1 in grains by using UCP materials as markers combined with classical immunochromatographic methods. Quantitative detection methods: 1. Upper-forward photoimmunochromatographic strip preparation: aflatoxin M1 (AFM1) monoclonal antibody, aflatoxin Ml (AFM1) and bovine serum albumin (BSA) conjugate: AFM1-BSA; aflatoxin Bl (AFB1) monoclonal antibody, aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) and bovine serum albumin (BSA) conjugate: AFB1 BSA as a specific biological probe, UCP particles as a marker, competitive immune response as a detection model, respectively, established immunochromatographic test paper: aflatoxin ml on the transfer of photoimmunochromatographic detection paper (UPT-LF-AFM1) and aflatoxin B1 on the transfer of photoimmunochromatographic detection paper (UPT-LF-AFB1). 2. Performance evaluation of test paper: 1) UPT-LF-AFM1: Configuration of a series of concentration of AFM1 toxin standard, evaluation of UPT-LF-AFM1 including detection sensitivity, linearity, precision, including detection performance. For actual milk and milk powder samples, UPT-LF-AFM1 and LC-MS detection were carried out simultaneously to evaluate the UPT-LF-AFM1 on the actual samples of qualitative and quantitative detection capacity.2) UPT-LF-AF 1 on the actual samples. B1: A series of AFB1 toxin standards were prepared to evaluate the detection performance of UPT-LF-AFB1, including sensitivity, linearity and precision. The specificity of UPT-LF-AFB1 was evaluated by other related biological toxin standards. RESULTS: 1. UPT-LF-AFM1: Anti-AFM1 monoclonal antibody, sheep IgG were covalently coupled with UCP granules, and the two conjugates were mixed with the conjugate diluent at the same ratio. The final concentration of 1.5mg. mL-1 immersed glass fiber was used as the binding pad. AFM1-BSA and rabbit anti-sheep IgG were matched respectively. Anti-AFB1 monoclonal antibody, rabbit anti-sheep IgG covalently coupled with UCP granules, and rabbit anti-sheep IgG covalently coupled with UCP granules. The conjugates were mixed equally with the diluent of conjugates, and the glass fibers were immersed in the final concentration of 1 mg mL-1 as a bonding pad. The results showed that: 1) UPT-LF-AFM1 had a good linearity (r=-0.99359, P=0.00641) between 0.1 and 0.7 ppb (ug.Kg-1) for the detection of AFM1 in milk powder. The sensitivity of AFM1 in milk was 0.3 ppb (ug.L-1), good linearity between 0.3 and 0.7 ppb ((ug.L-1)) (r=-0.99938, P 0.05), and the coefficient of variation of repeated measurements for each concentration was less than 15%. In qualitative evaluation, the sensitivity of the milk powder was Se=100%, specificity was Sp=85%, and the area under the ROC curve was 0.978+0.036. E = 81%, specificity Sp = 88%, ROC curve area under 0.891 + 0.099: No significant difference (P 0.05). In quantitative evaluation, UPT-LF-AFM1 has a good recovery rate for the detection of AFM1 in milk powder and milk, compared with LC-MS, there is no significant difference (milk powder: t = 0.66, P 0.05; milk: t = 1.01, P 0.05). 2) UPT-LF-AFB1: The sensitivity to AFB1 was 0.03 ng mL 1, and it had a good linearity between 0.03 and 1000 ng mL 1 (r = - 0.98459, P 0.0001). The coefficient of variation was less than 10% for each concentration. The specificity was better, and there was no cross reaction with ochratoxin, ricin, botulinum toxin and other seven toxins except for the cross reaction with similar structure of AFM1. UPT-LF-AFB1 has good tolerance to 15 kinds of grain samples, including peanut, red bean, corn and so on. All of them can meet the requirements of the national standard medium-limit detection. CONCLUSION: The UPT-LF-AFB1 can be used to detect aflatoxin M1 in dairy products and aflatoxin B1 in grain quantitatively and rapidly. It is easy to operate and needs no complex pretreatment. It has good sensitivity and specificity. It has good tolerance to various actual samples. It can meet the requirements of rapid on-site detection in food safety.
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