[Abstract]:Objective: To understand the effects of job burnout and musculoskeletal disorders on the health of coal miners in frontline operation, and to analyze the status and influencing factors of job burnout, musculoskeletal disorders, and to explore the relationship between job burnout and musculoskeletal disorders so as to provide scientific basis for protecting their physical and mental health. Methods: 1500 frontline coal miners in Xinjiang were investigated by using the Job Burnout Scale, Brief Occupational Stress Questionnaire and Musculoskeletal Disease Scale. The detection rate of job burnout among coal miners in front-line operation was 90%, among which mild burnout accounted for 39.8%, moderate burnout accounted for 43.8%, severe burnout accounted for 6.4%, and the average score of job burnout was 50.77 [11.93]. The burnout scores of coal miners with 20 years of service or more were higher than those of women, the burnout scores of coal miners with higher educational background were lower, the burnout scores of coal miners with two shifts were the highest; job demands, job autonomy and job burnout had positive effects under JDC mode (P 0.05); colleague support and job burnout had negative effects (P 0.05); men were more likely to have job burnout than women. The risk of severe burnout was 2.271 times as high as that of the fixed day shift workers; the return and burnout were negatively affected by ERI (P 0.05); the incidence of burnout was more likely to occur in the two shifts than in the fixed day shift workers (P 0.05). The waist (50.7%), neck, shoulder, knee, elbow (18.8%) and wrist (13.4%) accounted for the largest proportion of sick leave. The morbidity of MSDs increased with the length of service, and the OR value was 1.613 when the length of service was over 20 years. In the shift system, the number of triple shifts with double inversion was 25.7%. The morbidity of SDs was the lowest; by logistic regression analysis, the OR value of large bend reached 2.723, the OR value of long-term slight bend was 2.048, the OR value of neck anteversion was 2.967, the OR value of short-term maximum force operation was 2.655, the OR value of upper limb was 2.443, and the object was held by hand. The adjusted OR values of force manipulation tools were 2.068 and 2.116, respectively. Posture was not strong, there was no dependence, sometimes the sole of the foot slipped or fell. Whether or not the adjusted OR values involving cold or temperature changes exceeded 2, personnel shortage, overtime was the risk factor of MSDs. The adjusted OR values were 2.817 and 2.392, respectively. Job burnout was one of the risk factors of MSDs. Severe burnout was a risk factor for MSDs in coal miners, and the risk was 2.53 times higher than that of zero burnout. The ratio of job demands to job autonomy and the ratio of pay to return were risk factors for MSDs. Multiple movements, sometimes foot slips or falls, involving cold or temperature changes in the work of coal miners MSDs risk factors, job burnout on coal miners MSDs also have a certain impact, superior support is the protective factor of MSDs, colleague support is the risk factor of MSDs, shift system in the three shifts two shifts compared with the fixed day shift has a protective effect on MSDs. Conclusion: 1) The detection rate of job burnout of coal miners working in the first-line is higher than that of women. The score of male is higher than that of female. The score of burnout of coal miners working for more than 20 years is the highest. The score of burnout of higher education is lower. The score of burnout of coal miners working in two shifts is the highest. The prevalence of MSDs in the neck and waist was higher in women than in men. The prevalence of MSDs in all parts of the neck increased with the increase of working age. The prevalence of MSDs in the neck was different among workers with different educational backgrounds. The prevalence of MSDs in the wrist and knee was different in coal miners under different shift systems. 4) Working shift system, length of service, large bow, neck forward tilt, doing short-term maximum operation, arm or finger repetitive movements, sometimes foot slip or fall, involving cold or temperature changes, job burnout, superior support, colleague support are the main influencing factors of coal miners MSDs. 5) Job burnout is the risk of coal miners MSDs. Intervention is beneficial to both body and mind.
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