[Abstract]:Objective to study the effect and mechanism of yeast combined with high fructose diet on purine metabolism in rats. Methods Forty male Wistar rats were randomly divided into four groups: control group (n = 10), potassium yeast oxalate group (traditional hyperuricemia model group) and yeast fructose group (n = 10). Blood samples were taken from the tail at the end of 8 weeks at the end of the 6th week of the 2nd week. Serum uric acid (SUA), urea nitrogen (BUN), serum creatinine (SCr) were measured in each group. At the end of the 8th week, urine samples were collected for 24 hours. Uric acid clearance rate (CUA) and creatinine clearance rate (CCR),) in urine were determined by (UUA), creatinine (UCr), and creatinine clearance (CCR), respectively. The activities of serum adenosine deaminase (ADA) and xanthine oxidase (XOD) were measured. The expression of organic anion transporter 1 (OAT1) and renal uric acid transporter (RST), glucose transporter 9 (GLUT9) was detected by Western blotting. Results at the end of 8 weeks, the serum SUA levels in the yeast fructose group were 345.9403.7447.2 and 451.4 渭 mol/L., respectively. Compared with the blank control group, the SUA level in the yeast fructose group increased by 66.5% and 69.8%, respectively, while the SUA level in the traditional model group (traditional model group) also increased significantly, indicating that the model was successful. At the 8th week, the levels of SUA in the yeast fructose group and the yeast oxazinate potassium group were 2.24 and 2.17 times higher than those in the blank control group, respectively, indicating that fructose had a similar effect on uric acid production. The analysis of XOD and ADA activity related to purine metabolism showed that the activity of XOD in serum and liver homogenate of rats in yeast fructose group was significantly higher than that in blank control group (P0.05), and the activity of ADA was significantly higher than that of blank control group (P0.05). Compared with the blank control group, the 24h urine volume of rats in the yeast fructose group was significantly increased and CUA significantly decreased (P0.05). Histological analysis showed that in the 8th week of the experiment, the tubulointerstitial crystals were occasionally deposited in the yeast fructose group, and there was no obvious fibrosis, and there was no obvious abnormality in the structure of the renal tubules and glomeruli. Western blotting showed that, compared with the blank control group, the rat renal tubulointerstitial structure in the yeast fructose group was similar to that in the control group. The level of renal OAT1 in yeast fructose group decreased significantly (P0.05). Conclusion fructose can enhance the effect of yeast inducing hyperuricemia, and the side effect on kidney is less, so fructose can be used as a good model to study purine metabolism, but fructose overdose should be avoided when consuming high purine food.
【作者单位】: 青岛大学公共卫生学院营养与食品卫生学教研室;
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