[Abstract]:Because of its processing technology, unique flavor, preservation and other requirements, it is necessary to use the corresponding additives. Various additives have been widely used because of their simple operation, significant effect and low cost. However, with the deepening of relevant research, the potential harm of traditional additives to human body has gradually been serious. Human lysozyme is a kind of lysozyme and widely exists in human body fluids and tissues. The lysozyme produced by microbial fermentation of engineered bacteria is called weight. Recombinant lysozyme has the common characteristics of broad-spectrum antibacterial, preservative, anti-inflammatory and anti-viral lysozyme, the overall effect is better than egg white lysozyme, can replace traditional preservatives, can also be added as functional factors in feed, food, application potential is broad; in addition, recombinant lysozyme is a human non-specific immune factor, has a huge. Scientific research value is a good model for studying molecular evolution and molecular immunity relationship.The purpose of this study is to explore the practical effect of recombinant lysozyme as feed and food additive and its influence on the organism by studying the properties of recombinant lysozyme, the effect of preservation and preservation, the regulation of intestinal flora and serum biochemical indexes in mice.
Firstly, on the basis of the classical turbidimetric method, the changes of egg white and recombinant lysozyme activity were determined with Micrococcus as substrate under different temperature, pH, artificial gastrointestinal juice and metal ions. Then, the sensory indexes and total bacterial colonies were determined with different concentrations of recombinant lysozyme solution soaked in the pork of T. maculatus. Number, pH value, TVB-n value, TBA value, acidity; finally, after oral administration of lysozyme (egg white lysozyme and recombinant lysozyme activity were 2500,5000U/ml, respectively), the intestinal contents were obtained aseptically and the changes of intestinal flora were determined by microbial culture; and serum total protein, urea nitrogen, triglyceride, cholesterol were determined at different test time. Content.
The results of enzymatic properties test showed that the optimum temperature of lysozyme was 40 C and pH 6.0; the optimum temperature of recombinant lysozyme was 45 C and pH 6.0; the activity of two lysozymes decreased rapidly after the temperature exceeded 50 C, but the activity of recombinant lysozyme decreased rapidly; the activity of two lysozymes was pretreated in pH 6.0-9.0 solution for 60 min at room temperature. In artificial gastric juice, the activity of two kinds of lysozyme decreased rapidly; in artificial intestinal juice, the activity of recombinant lysozyme decreased slowly; Fe ~ (3 +), Ca ~ (2 +), K ~ +, Mn ~ (2 +), Zn ~ (2 +), Mg ~ (2 +), Al ~ (3 +), Cu ~ (2 +) inhibited the activity of two kinds of lysozyme in different degrees. The results showed that recombinant lysozyme could slow down the decay process of fish meat, prolong the shelf life and maximize the edible and commercial value of fish meat. The results of animal experiment showed that the two lysozymes could reduce the number of Staphylococcus aureus and Enterococcus faecalis, promote the growth of bifidobacteria and lactobacillus, but the recombinant lysozyme had obvious inhibition on E. coli (P 0.05). Lysozyme in egg white was not significant (P The effect of recombinant lysozyme on intestinal flora balance, serum index and temperature, pH, gastric juice, intestinal juice and metal ions should be paid attention to. In addition, recombinant lysozyme can significantly prolong the shelf life of aquatic products, which is very suitable for feed and food additives.
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