[Abstract]:Objective to understand the present situation of dietary structure and nutrient intake of residents in Shenzhen, and to provide scientific basis for making health policy and guiding residents to eat reasonably. Methods A multi-stage stratified and population-proportional cluster random sampling method was used to select 12 communities in 8 districts of Shenzhen from February to July 2011. A total of 75 households (living for 5 years or more) were randomly selected in each of the selected communities, and then the family members aged 15 and above were selected to participate in the general questionnaire survey and the dietary survey. Results the intake of cereals, mixed beans, vegetables and eggs was 257.8336.7g per standard person day in Shenzhen, which was in line with the recommended value of balanced Dietary pagoda for Chinese residents, including fruits, fish and shrimp, milk and its products. The intake of soybean and nut were 97.9 ~ 59.9g / d and 43.3g / d, respectively, which did not reach the recommended value of dietary pagoda, and the intake of meat, fat and salt for livestock and poultry were 159.8g / d, 41.8g / d, respectively, which far exceeded the recommended value of dietary pagoda. The daily energy intake per standard person in Shenzhen was 8.55 MJ (2043.7 kcal), protein, fat, carbohydrate intake was 71.2) 88.3239.3 g, the energy ratio (%) was 13.9n 39.2%, respectively, and the energy supplied by cereals, animal foods and legumes accounted for 35.423.04.04.00.The energy intake of Shenzhen residents was 8.55 MJ (2043.7 kcal), protein, fat and carbohydrate intake), respectively. The average daily intake of niacin and vitamin E per standard person is adequate, the average daily intake of vitamin A, thiamine and riboflavin per standard person is relatively insufficient; the intake of phosphorus, sodium, iron and manganese is adequate; the intake of selenium and potassium is slightly lower than that of RNIs, calcium, magnesium, Zinc, copper intake is low. Conclusion the dietary structure of Shenzhen residents was improved, but the intake of fruits, fish and shrimp, milk and its products, soybeans and nuts did not reach the recommended intake. The intake of livestock, poultry, fat and salt was still much higher than the recommended intake. The ratio of three nutrients to energy is unbalanced. It is still necessary to strengthen the propaganda and education of balanced dietary knowledge to promote the formation of rational dietary habits and to prevent the occurrence of nutrition-related chronic diseases.
【作者单位】: 深圳市慢性病防治中心;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金(No.81102127) 国家科技支撑计划课题(No.2012BAI02B02)
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