发布时间:2018-12-11 04:04
【摘要】:随着经济的发展,我国居民的膳食结构发生了巨大的变化,小学生的饮食状况也随之改变,小学生的营养状况越来越受到社会各界的关注。营养不良以及营养过度都会损害健康,而且国内频繁出现的食品安全问题也为少年儿童的营养与健康蒙上了阴影。 本研究结合工作实际,采用查阅文献资料、现场调查和问卷调查等方法,从供方(小学集体食堂)和需方(食堂就餐小学生)两方面出发,收集沈阳市和平区小学食堂午餐营养与食品安全的基本情况,对其现状进行了较为深入的剖析,发现存在的主要问题:学生午餐食物结构不合理,动物性食品、蔬菜及植物油摄入量过多,豆类及其制品摄入量不足,没有奶类及其制品;学生午餐钙、维生素B1和维生素B2摄入量不足;民工子弟小学食堂加工场所面积小,从业人员营养知识水平较低;食堂从业人员呈现年龄老化现象;食品安全知识匮乏;库房贮存和供餐备餐合格率低;部分从业人员工作期间佩戴首饰与留指甲。针对发现的问题提出了减少肉类摄入,适量增加鱼虾等海产品摄入,以达到减少蛋白质总量但提高蛋白质质量的效果;在午餐中应尽可能提供富含钙的食品,如豆制品、虾皮、海带等,同时可在早上或午饭后作为加餐,推广学生饮用奶计划;适量增加鱼类、动物肝脏、豆制品和黄绿色蔬菜等,以补充维生素B1、维生素B2的不足;食堂在招募从业人员的时候要限制年龄,增加年轻从业人员数量;加强对食堂管理人员及从业人员的营养与食品安全知识培训及食品安全法制教育,并定期考核食堂从业食品安全知识,增强食品安全意识;加强食堂的食品安全监督管理力度,,积极有效地落实监管制度,责任到人,各司其职。尤其做好库房和分餐人员的监督检查;建议将是否佩戴首饰与留指甲列入检查表,作为食堂监督检查考核项目。
[Abstract]:With the development of economy, the dietary structure of Chinese residents has changed greatly, and the dietary status of primary school students has also changed, and the nutritional status of primary school students has attracted more and more attention from all walks of life. Malnutrition and overnutrition can damage health, and frequent food safety problems in China have cast a shadow over children's nutrition and health. Based on the practice of the work, this study adopts the methods of consulting literature, field investigation and questionnaire investigation, starting from two aspects: the supply side (the primary school canteen) and the demand side (the canteen pupils). This paper collects the basic situation of nutrition and food safety in primary school canteen in Heping District of Shenyang, analyzes its present situation deeply, and finds out the main problems: unreasonable food structure of students' lunch, animal food, etc. Excessive intake of vegetable and vegetable oil, insufficient intake of beans and their products, and no milk and its products; The intake of calcium, vitamin B1 and vitamin B2 in lunch was insufficient; the area of processing place was small and the level of nutrition knowledge was low in the canteen of the children of migrant workers; the employees of the canteen showed the phenomenon of aging in age, and the knowledge of food safety was deficient. Warehouse storage and meal preparation rate is low; some employees wear jewelry and nails while working. In order to reduce the total amount of protein but improve the quality of protein, the meat intake should be reduced and the intake of seafood such as fish and shrimp should be increased. Calcium-rich foods such as bean products shrimp skins and kelp should be provided as much as possible during lunch and can be added to the meal in the morning or after lunch to promote the student milk program; Appropriate amount of fish, animal liver, soy products and yellow-green vegetables to supplement vitamin B1, vitamin B2 deficiency; canteen recruitment of employees to limit the age, increase the number of young employees; To strengthen the knowledge training on nutrition and food safety and the education of food safety legal system for canteen managers and employees, and to regularly examine the knowledge of food safety in canteens and enhance the awareness of food safety; To strengthen the food safety supervision and management of the canteen, actively and effectively implement the regulatory system, responsibility to the people, their own duties. It is suggested that wearing jewelry and nails should be included in the inspection form as the items of supervision and inspection in the canteen.
[Abstract]:With the development of economy, the dietary structure of Chinese residents has changed greatly, and the dietary status of primary school students has also changed, and the nutritional status of primary school students has attracted more and more attention from all walks of life. Malnutrition and overnutrition can damage health, and frequent food safety problems in China have cast a shadow over children's nutrition and health. Based on the practice of the work, this study adopts the methods of consulting literature, field investigation and questionnaire investigation, starting from two aspects: the supply side (the primary school canteen) and the demand side (the canteen pupils). This paper collects the basic situation of nutrition and food safety in primary school canteen in Heping District of Shenyang, analyzes its present situation deeply, and finds out the main problems: unreasonable food structure of students' lunch, animal food, etc. Excessive intake of vegetable and vegetable oil, insufficient intake of beans and their products, and no milk and its products; The intake of calcium, vitamin B1 and vitamin B2 in lunch was insufficient; the area of processing place was small and the level of nutrition knowledge was low in the canteen of the children of migrant workers; the employees of the canteen showed the phenomenon of aging in age, and the knowledge of food safety was deficient. Warehouse storage and meal preparation rate is low; some employees wear jewelry and nails while working. In order to reduce the total amount of protein but improve the quality of protein, the meat intake should be reduced and the intake of seafood such as fish and shrimp should be increased. Calcium-rich foods such as bean products shrimp skins and kelp should be provided as much as possible during lunch and can be added to the meal in the morning or after lunch to promote the student milk program; Appropriate amount of fish, animal liver, soy products and yellow-green vegetables to supplement vitamin B1, vitamin B2 deficiency; canteen recruitment of employees to limit the age, increase the number of young employees; To strengthen the knowledge training on nutrition and food safety and the education of food safety legal system for canteen managers and employees, and to regularly examine the knowledge of food safety in canteens and enhance the awareness of food safety; To strengthen the food safety supervision and management of the canteen, actively and effectively implement the regulatory system, responsibility to the people, their own duties. It is suggested that wearing jewelry and nails should be included in the inspection form as the items of supervision and inspection in the canteen.
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