[Abstract]:Objective to analyze the incidence of respiratory and digestive system diseases in rural compulsory education stage students' nutrition improvement plan (hereinafter referred to as "rural student nutrition improvement plan") in China. To provide basic data for the formulation and implementation of nutrition improvement and related policies for rural students in China. Methods A total of 50 key monitoring counties were selected to implement the Rural Student Nutrition improvement Program. Each county was divided into three feeding models: school canteen, enterprise (unit) and mixed meal. Two primary schools and two junior high schools were randomly selected in each model, and 1 ~ 2 classes were randomly selected from each grade above the third grade and from each grade in junior high school. There were about 40 students in each grade, half male and half male, with a total of 29 317 students. The basic information of students and the occurrence of common diseases were collected by student questionnaire. Results in the past one year, 65.3% of the students had common digestive system diseases, 71.2% of the junior high school students were higher than the primary school students (60.9%) (蠂 ~ 2 ~ 2, 582.98) (P0.01). The students in canteen (67.1%) and enterprise (66.3%) were higher than those in mixed meal (58.3%) (蠂 ~ (2) 138.91) (P0.01). In the past year, 79.9% of the students had common respiratory diseases, 80.7% of girls (80.7%) were higher than boys (78.9%), and 85.6% of junior high school students (85.6%) were higher than primary school students (75.5%). The students in canteen (81.6%) and enterprise (79.1%) were higher than those in mixed meal (76.0%) (蠂 ~ 2 = 22.31823.43) (P < 0.01). Conclusion the frequency of common diseases of digestive system and respiratory system of students in the area of "Student Nutrition improvement Program" is higher than that of primary school students and mixed feeding school students.
【作者单位】: 中国疾病预防控制中心营养与健康所;
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