[Abstract]:Objective: to investigate the characteristics of daily physical activity in postmenopausal women by observing the changes of BMD and body composition before and after one year in exercise group and control group, and to explore the relationship between physical activity level and changes of body composition and BMD in postmenopausal women. The reference standards of energy consumption affecting bone mass change were determined to provide experimental basis for osteoporosis prevention. Methods: 60 postmenopausal women (average menopause years 6.78 卤4.11 years) were selected from four communities in Beijing. They were randomly divided into exercise group (n = 30) and control group (n = 30). BMD and body composition were measured by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (GE) one year before and after the experiment. The average daily energy consumption (energy consumption of physical activity and 1-8MET intensity activity time) was calculated by one week physical activity energy consumption test using hja-350it accelerometer from OMRON Company of Japan. Dietary survey was used to record the diet of the subjects for one week, and the energy intake was calculated by the computer software of the National Center for Doping and Sports Nutrition Test and Research (National Center for Doping and Sports Nutrition testing and Research), an analysis and management system of athletes' and popular dietary nutrition. Results: after 1 year exercise, the fat mass (BF) and body fat percentage (PBF) of EG weight (BW), decreased significantly (P0.01), while the muscle percentage (PBM) increased significantly (P0.01), FNLBMD significantly increased (P0.05); CG showed a significant increase in BW (P0.01), a significant decrease in FNL,FNR and WBBMD (P0.01) and a decrease in L2-4BMD (P0.05). After 1 year of exercise, EG average daily walking energy consumption (WEE),) was significantly decreased (P0.05). The total energy consumption (TEE) and total energy intake (EI) of physical activity energy consumption (PAEE),) were significantly higher than that of CG (P 0.05). EG showed energy generation equilibrium, and CG energy generation imbalance (EI) was lower than that of TEE,P0.05. The mean daily step number of EGE, moderate intensity (3-6METs) and high intensity (6METs) activity time were significantly higher than those of CG (P0.01). There was a negative correlation and a positive correlation between BW and PBM and FNRBMD (P 0.05). There was a positive correlation between BM and WBBMD (P0.01), and a negative correlation between Wee, PAEE and BW, PBF, BF (P0.05), a positive correlation between Wee and PBM (P0.01), a positive correlation between Wee and FNLBMD (P0.05), and a positive correlation between Wee and BW, PBF, BF (P0.01). TEE was negatively correlated with PBF (P0.05) and positively correlated with PBM (P0.05). Moderate intensity activity time was positively correlated with PBM (P0.05) and negatively correlated with PBF, BF (P0.01). Conclusion: the annual exercise of 1.EG1 showed energy balance, fat decrease, muscle increase and FNLBMD increase, while CG showed energy generation imbalance, muscle decrease, and FNLBMD,FNRBMD and WBBMD decreased significantly. 2. Daily energy consumption is closely related to the changes of body composition. Exercise can increase the relative ratio of muscles, increase muscle contractile strength, and effectively maintain and improve the body's bone mass (bone mineral density). The moderate intensity of 3.3-6METs, 3 times a week, at least three times a week, at least 50min aerobic endurance, load resistance, suitable intensity of impact and other complex exercises, is the postmenopausal women need to maintain and improve bone mass of the appropriate exercise. The average daily effective energy consumption of physical activity is less than 650 Kcal, which can be used as a reference standard to warn postmenopausal women of "insufficient exercise".
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