[Abstract]:[objective] based on the analysis of the thermal environment of Shanghai Railway Bureau from 2005 to 2014, a comprehensive and reasonable evaluation index of high temperature was put forward. [methods] the typical types of jobs (including tank washers, boiler workers, forgers, scrubbers, etc.) in Shanghai Railway Bureau were selected. From 2005 to 2009, the temperature difference was used in the high temperature detection from 2010 to 2014. The (WBGT) index of wet bulb black ball temperature was used as the index of evaluation and classification of high temperature operation, and the difference between the two indexes in judging the same job position was compared. [results] temperature difference was used as evaluation index, washing, drying and dry cleaning before furnace were not high temperature operation, WBGT index was used as evaluation index of high temperature operation, all posts belonged to high temperature job. Except the change of temperature difference between 2005-2009 and 2005-2009 (P0.05), the temperature difference in 2005-2009 and the WBGT index change of each post in 2005-2009 were statistically significant (P0.01). [conclusion] in the process of using WBGT index to evaluate the classification of high temperature operation, the evaluation grade is too high, and it is suggested that the factors of environmental temperature difference should be taken into account.
【作者单位】: 上海铁路局疾病预防控制中心职业卫生科;
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