发布时间:2019-05-07 08:27
【摘要】:目的分析2016年河南省生禽肉中科瓦利斯沙门菌耐药情况与脉冲场凝胶电泳(PFGE)分子分型结果。方法沙门菌分离、血清分型、药物敏感试验及PFGE分子分型分析分别参照国家食品污染物和有害因素及食源性疾病监测工作手册。结果 19株科瓦利斯沙门菌均至少耐受2种抗生素,16株为多重耐药菌株,其中8株耐4类抗生素,耐药谱为CIP+NAL+TET+ERY。19株科瓦利斯沙门菌经XbaⅠ酶切电泳后获得9种带型,每种带型包括1~5株菌,最低相似度为61.9%。来源于周口和洛阳地区菌株的带型最低相似度分别为94.1%和93.3%。结论首次发现河南省市售生禽肉中少见血清型科瓦利斯沙门菌成为新的优势菌型,并出现地区聚集性,提示存在共同来源或者交叉污染。相关部门应加强监测,对其来源、致病性等方面进行深入研究,为制定预防控制措施提供依据。
[Abstract]:Objective to analyze the drug resistance of Salmonella covalis in raw poultry meat in Henan Province in 2016 and the results of (PFGE) typing by pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). Methods Salmonella spp. Isolation, serum typing, drug sensitivity test and PFGE molecular typing analysis were carried out according to the national manual on surveillance of food contaminants and harmful factors and food-borne diseases, respectively. Results all 19 strains of Salmonella covalis were resistant to at least 2 kinds of antibiotics, and 16 strains were multi-resistant strains. Among them, 8 strains were resistant to 4 kinds of antibiotics. The resistance spectrum of CIP NAL TET ERY.19 strain was 9 bands obtained by Xba 鈪,
[Abstract]:Objective to analyze the drug resistance of Salmonella covalis in raw poultry meat in Henan Province in 2016 and the results of (PFGE) typing by pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). Methods Salmonella spp. Isolation, serum typing, drug sensitivity test and PFGE molecular typing analysis were carried out according to the national manual on surveillance of food contaminants and harmful factors and food-borne diseases, respectively. Results all 19 strains of Salmonella covalis were resistant to at least 2 kinds of antibiotics, and 16 strains were multi-resistant strains. Among them, 8 strains were resistant to 4 kinds of antibiotics. The resistance spectrum of CIP NAL TET ERY.19 strain was 9 bands obtained by Xba 鈪,