发布时间:2019-05-24 02:59
【摘要】:随着水资源短缺问题日益加剧,再生水作为城市第二水源在一定程度上缓解了水资源的供需矛盾。然而,再生水回用的安全性问题一直备受关注。本文针对再生水回用于冲厕途径,综合运用数理统计、毒理学、风险评估等学科理论和方法,提出了一套再生水用于冲厕的健康风险评价方法。 首先,选取6种有机污染物指标和4种重金属指标作为风险因子,对天津市再生水厂J的再生水进行了检测,并通过Q-Q图检验和K-S非参数假设检验验证了各指标检测结果符合对数正态分布。 其次,对健康风险评价模型及模型参数的确定进行了研究。在借鉴国内外已有成果的基础上,将呼吸途径终生日均暴露剂量(浓度)估算模型与气溶胶扩散模型相结合,有效地解决了空气中污染物浓度值因低于目前测试方法检出限而难以通过实测获得的问题。对于模型参数,提出了单位体重呼吸速率的概念,并确定了单位体重呼吸速率和日暴露时间的对数正态分布特征。 最后,,根据健康风险评价模型、部分模型参数的对数正态分布函数以及各化学污染物指标的毒性参数数据,借助Crystal Ball软件,采用蒙特卡罗方法对冲厕再生水中各化学污染物指标的健康风险进行了不确定性评价。评价结果表明:有机污染物指标的健康风险较小,大多低于可忽略风险水平,重金属指标的健康风险相对较大,但仍低于最大可接受年风险水平;健康风险与再生水喷洒强度呈正相关关系,并且化学污染物对女性的健康风险略高于男性;冲厕再生水的总风险小于最大可接受年风险水平,重金属对人体的健康风险占总风险的绝大部分。
[Abstract]:With the increasing shortage of water resources, reclaimed water, as the second water source in the city, alleviates the contradiction between supply and demand of water resources to a certain extent. However, the safety of reclaimed water reuse has been paid more and more attention. Based on the theories and methods of mathematical statistics, toxicology and risk assessment, a set of health risk assessment methods for flushing with reclaimed water are proposed in this paper. First of all, six kinds of organic pollutants and four kinds of heavy metals were selected as risk factors to detect the reclaimed water of Tianjin Recycling Water Plant J. The results of Q 鈮
[Abstract]:With the increasing shortage of water resources, reclaimed water, as the second water source in the city, alleviates the contradiction between supply and demand of water resources to a certain extent. However, the safety of reclaimed water reuse has been paid more and more attention. Based on the theories and methods of mathematical statistics, toxicology and risk assessment, a set of health risk assessment methods for flushing with reclaimed water are proposed in this paper. First of all, six kinds of organic pollutants and four kinds of heavy metals were selected as risk factors to detect the reclaimed water of Tianjin Recycling Water Plant J. The results of Q 鈮