发布时间:2019-06-20 09:40
【摘要】:目的了解天津市蔬菜、水果和袋泡茶中农药残留量情况,为监管部门提供科学依据。方法从天津市各类超市、农贸市场随机购买样品,用气相色谱法检测有机磷、有机氯、拟除虫菊酯类、氨基甲酸酯类农药残留,根据GB2763-2014《食品安全国家标准食品中农药最大残留限量》判定。结果共检测样品351份,超标率为9.69%。其中甲胺磷超标率最高为3.70%,克百威超标率为2.56%(χ2=26.642,P=0.001)。蔬菜中甲胺磷超标率最高(3.86%),其次为克百威(2.32%),各类蔬菜中茎类农药超标率最高,其中芹菜中检出超标农药种类最多;块茎类农药超标率最低;水果中甲胺磷、克百威超标最高,均为6.98%,各类水果中柑橘中农药超标率最高为42.86%,超标农药为克百威、甲胺磷、甲基对硫磷、溴氰菊酯;苹果中农药超标率为6.25%。袋泡茶中乙酰甲胺磷超标(8.16%),同时检出三氯杀螨醇(28.57%)。结论 2013年监测发现的主要问题为检出国家明令禁止使用的高毒农药,多种高毒农药的联合使用,超范围使用农药问题等,检测的四大类农药以有机磷农药残留超标情况最为严重,芹菜和柑橘超标情况最严重,相关部门应采取切实有效的措施进行监督和检测。
[Abstract]:Objective to investigate the pesticide residues in vegetables, fruits and tea bags in Tianjin, and to provide scientific basis for supervision. Methods samples were randomly purchased from all kinds of supermarkets and farmers' markets in Tianjin. Organophosphorus, organochlorine, pyrethroid and carbamate pesticide residues were determined by gas chromatography. According to GB2763-2014, the maximum residue limit of pesticides in food safety national standard was determined. Results A total of 351 samples were detected, and the rate of exceeding the standard was 9.69%. The highest exceeding standard rate of methamidophos was 3.70%, and that of carbofuran was 2.56% (蠂 ~ 2 鈮,
[Abstract]:Objective to investigate the pesticide residues in vegetables, fruits and tea bags in Tianjin, and to provide scientific basis for supervision. Methods samples were randomly purchased from all kinds of supermarkets and farmers' markets in Tianjin. Organophosphorus, organochlorine, pyrethroid and carbamate pesticide residues were determined by gas chromatography. According to GB2763-2014, the maximum residue limit of pesticides in food safety national standard was determined. Results A total of 351 samples were detected, and the rate of exceeding the standard was 9.69%. The highest exceeding standard rate of methamidophos was 3.70%, and that of carbofuran was 2.56% (蠂 ~ 2 鈮,