图 1-1 小鼠嗅球基本神经网络结构图(Nagayama et al. 2014)神经层 (olfactory nerve layer, ONL) 的嗅感神经元 (olfactory sensory neurons) 的轴merular layer, GL) 形成突触球 (glomerulus)。每个突触球仅由具有同一种气味受体轴突形成。突触球周围有抑制性神经元球周细胞 (periglomerular cells, PG cells) 和短xon cells, sSA cells)。外丛状层 (external plexiform layer, EPL) 的丛状细胞 (tufted ce层 (mitral cell layer, MCL) 的僧帽细胞 (mitral cells) 是具有轴突的兴奋性神经元,球中接受信息,同时也与颗粒细胞层 (granule cell layer, GCL) 中的颗粒细胞 (gran触。IPL, 内丛状层。Figure 1-1 Basic model of the olfactory bulb neural circuite axons of olfactory sensory neurons in the olfactory nerve layer (ONL) make synapses ulus in the glomerular layer (GL). Each glomerulus represents only one odorant ding glomerulus are inhibitory periglomerular cells (PG cells) and short axon cells (sScells in the external plexiform layer (EPL) and mitral cells in the mitral cell layer (Mry neurons, which project dendrite into a single glomerulus. And they also form syna
图 1-2 小鼠嗅球和 SVZ 神经发生(Ming and Song 2011)位于侧脑室 (lateral ventricle, LV) SVZ 中的 B 型放射状胶质细胞被激活后生成 C 型过度扩增细胞,进一步增值分化成为 A 型成神经细胞,沿着喙侧迁移流 (rostral migratory stream, RMS) 迁移至嗅球 (olfactory bulb, OB) ,分化成为嗅球颗粒细胞或球周细胞并与其他神经元建立突触联系。Figure 1-2 Neurogenesis in the SVZ and olfactory bulbIn the SVZ of the lateral ventricle (LV), type-B cells constantly give rise to neuroblasts that migrattangentially through the rostral migratory stream (RMS) to the olfactory bulb (OB), where thedifferentiate into granule cells (GCs) and periglomerular cells (PGCs) and integrate functionally witpreexisting neural circuits. 嗅球中间神经元嗅球中间神经元是一群在哺乳动物 SVZ 中终生不断产生的具有异质型的细胞群。在出生后,大多数 SVZ 中新生神经元最终迁移到嗅球的 GCL 或 GL,成为嗅球颗粒细胞或者球周细胞 (Lledo et al. 2008)。约有 50%的新生中间神经元整合到嗅球的神经网络中,对嗅球神经网络的可塑性和嗅觉记忆起到重要作用 (Lledo et al. 2006b)。大多数嗅球中间神经元是γ-氨基丁酸能 (GABAergic) 的抑制性神经元,少数为多巴胺能神经元
图 1-3 小鼠大脑皮层神经元的产生与迁移(Kwan et al. 2012)在小鼠 E11 到 E16 期间,小鼠脑室区 (ventricular zone, VZ) (蓝色区域) 的放射状胶质细胞不断有丝分裂产生投射神经元。放大的部位展示了大脑皮层的有序分层 (绿色方框)。第一批分裂增殖后向皮质浅层迁移致使前皮质板 (preplate, PP) 分开,形成了皮质亚板 (subplate, SP) 和边缘带(marginal zone, MZ),同时伴随着 Cajal-Retzius 细胞的迁移。这些细胞分泌 Reelin 糖蛋白调控神经元的迁移。晚期在 VZ 和 SVZ 中出生的神经元通过依赖放射状胶质细胞的蠕动式迁移方式运动至皮质板 (cortical plate, CP)。出生后,大脑皮层形成由内向外的 6 层片层状结构。Figure 1-3 Neurogenesis in the cerebral cortexSuccessive waves of post-mitotic projection neurons are generated between E11 and E16 in the dorsatelencephalon (cortical interneurons are not represented). A magnified area of the neocortex (boxed with green square on the coronal section) shows the sequential establishment of the adjacent cortical layers (setimeline). The first wave of projection neurons splits the preplate (PP) into a subplate (SP) and a marginazone (MZ), which also includes migrating Cajal-Retzius cells (CR). These cells release the glycoproteiReelin that serves as migration signal. Projection neurons arise from committed progenitors located in th
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