[Abstract]:Objective: long time deloading will lead to the loss of skeletal muscle weight and the change of muscle fiber type, which will lead to the change of skeletal muscle contractility and physiological function. However, the effect on skeletal muscle exercise endurance has not been reported. This study is intended to focus on the effects of deload-induced muscle atrophy on exercise endurance and its molecular mechanism. Methods: male C57BL/6 mice were randomly divided into 2 groups (n = 7). After removing the load, each group of mice were placed in the running table to exercise at 15m/min uniform speed. The exercise exhaustion time and distance were measured to compare their exercise endurance. The changes of TNNI1 and TNNI2 protein and the content of fast and slow muscle fibers in muscle fibers were observed by histological, immunoblotting and immunohistochemical methods, and the molecular mechanism of the effects of unloaded muscle atrophy on exercise endurance of mice was studied by comparing the expression of TNNI1 and TNNI2 protein and the content of fast and slow muscle fibers in muscle fibers. Results the weight of gastrocnemius muscle, soleus muscle and metatarsal muscle of the hind limb of the mice were continuously lost by the weight loss of 2. 2 compared with the control group during the muscle atrophy induced by 1: 1 decompression until 28 days after decompression. The results showed that the cross sectional area of gastrocnemius muscle, soleus muscle and metatarsal muscle decreased significantly after 7 days of loading, and decreased to 69.8% (P 0.001) or 34.5% (P 0.001) of the control group respectively, and the results showed that the cross-sectional area of gastrocnemius muscle, soleus muscle and plantar muscle was significantly decreased after 7 days of loading. After 14 days, muscle fiber atrophy was the largest, but the cross-sectional area of muscle fiber increased slightly after 28 days. However, compared with the control group, the results of immunoblotting and immunohistochemistry showed that there was no significant difference between the control group and the control group. In the course of muscle atrophy induced by decompression, the contents of slow muscle fibrin and slow muscle fiber in gastrocnemius muscle, soleus muscle and plantar muscle decreased, while fast muscle fibrin and fast muscle fiber content increased. Conclusion in the process of muscle atrophy induced by decompression, the weight of muscle in the dorsal side of the hind limb of the mice continued to lose with the prolongation of the time of deloading. The cross sectional area of muscle fiber decreased first and then increased. 2 in the course of muscle atrophy induced by desorption, with the prolongation of the time of deload, the cross-sectional area of muscle fiber decreased firstly and then increased. The change of contractile characteristics of skeletal muscle caused by muscle fiber atrophy caused by continuous decline of exercise endurance may be the direct cause of the decrease of exercise endurance after atrophic of de-negative muscle. 4 in the course of muscle atrophy induced by decompression, gastrocnemius muscle, and gastrocnemius muscle. The decrease of the proportion of soleus muscle and plantar slow muscle fiber and the increase of fast muscle fiber ratio are the molecular mechanisms that cause the decrease of exercise endurance of soleus muscle and metatarsal muscle.
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