[Abstract]:Objective to evaluate the effectiveness of iterative de-metal artifact algorithm (IMAR) in chest CT scanning. Methods one pedicle screw was implanted on both sides of T _ 5 vertebra by emulation chest phantom (emulation body model group). Chest CT scanning was performed before and after screw implantation using 130kV tube voltage and automatic millisecond (care dose 4 D technique. The non-metal images were reconstructed by filtered back-projection (FBP) algorithm. The images with metal screws were reconstructed by FBP algorithm and IMAR algorithm respectively. The aorta and lung adjacent to the screws were selected to measure the noise value and CT value of the adjacent soft tissue of the vertebrae for ROI,. The deviation of CT value relative to the CT value of non-metallic implants image was calculated (螖 HU). In addition, 26 cases of thoracic CT with pedicle screw implants were analyzed retrospectively. The CT values of the adjacent vertebrae and back soft tissue of metal artifact were measured, and the subjective image quality of the two reconstructed images was evaluated by two radiologists. Results after screw implantation, IMAR images of aorta, lung and paravertebral soft tissue in the simulated model group were lower than those in FBP reconstruction image (P 0.05), IMAR), and 螖 HU was significantly lower than FBP reconstruction image (P0.01). There were significant differences in CT value of vertebral tissue and CT value of back soft tissue between FBP reconstruction and IMAR reconstruction in the case group (all P 0. 05). The subjective scores of FBP and IMAR images were significantly different (P0.05). Conclusion the IMAR algorithm can significantly reduce the strip artifacts and correct the CT value of the affected tissues, which is closer to the real value in the metal-free case.
【作者单位】: 重庆医科大学附属第一医院放射科;西门子(中国)医疗事业部;
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