[Abstract]:Background: some studies suggest that acute exercise may regulate appetite and food intake by affecting the synthesis and secretion of gastrointestinal hormone peptides, but at present, the sample size of this study is relatively small and the results are quite different. Aim: to evaluate the effect of acute exercise on the levels of gastrointestinal hormone peptide (tyrosine) in adults by Meta assay. Methods: the deadline for retrieval of Pub Med,Google Scholar,Sport Discus,Web of Knowledge and CNKI databases was up to January 2014. Rev Man5.1 software was used for Meta analysis, publishing bias and heterogeneity test, data merging and sensitivity analysis. Results and conclusion: 1 A total of 11 articles were included in this study. Meta was used to analyze the effect of acute exercise on plasma tyrosine levels in 18 randomized controlled subjects. The results showed that the data had homogeneity combination effect, standardized mean difference, (SMD) combination = 0.25% 95% CI, 0.05-0.46% P0. 01, and 0. 05%, 0. 05%, 0. 05%, 0. 05%, 0. 05%. It was concluded that the level of tyrosine in acute exercise group was statistically different from that in control group (P0.05). The sensitivity analysis did not change the results of Meta analysis. 2 three articles on the effect of acute exercise on plasma tyrosine (3-36) in healthy adults were included. In 5 randomized controlled trials, 32 subjects were analyzed by Meta: heterogeneity was significant. So the random effect model is used to analyze. (SMD) combined with standardized mean difference (SMD) = 1.80 ~ 95CIX 0.27-3.32 P0.02, so acute exercise upregulated the level of tyrosine (3-36). The results suggest that acute exercise can increase the plasma levels of gastrointestinal hormone peptides in adults, and the changes of the levels may be related to the changes of food intake after exercise.
【作者单位】: 上海体育学院运动健身科技省部共建教育部重点实验室;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金(31000522;81472148) 上海体育学院研究国(境)外生访学项目资助(stfx20140204)~~
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