发布时间:2018-12-20 06:42
[Abstract]:Objective: to evaluate the value of CT angiography (CTA) in the diagnosis of coronary artery fistula (CAF). Methods: the original and post-processed CT images of 22 patients with CAF were analyzed retrospectively. The post-processing techniques such as volume display (VR), maximum density projection (MIP), curved surface reconstruction (CPR) were used to summarize the imaging features. Results: of the 22 CAF patients, 6 originated from the left coronary artery, 12 from the right coronary artery and 4 from the bilateral coronary artery. 13 cases were terminated in pulmonary artery, 4 cases in right ventricle, 3 cases in right atrium and 2 cases in left ventricle. Conclusion: dual-source CTA can clearly show the course of CAF and the shape of fistula, which provides a basis for clinical diagnosis and treatment.
【作者单位】: 东营市人民医院CT室;新汶矿业集团莱芜中心医院超声科;
[Abstract]:Objective: to evaluate the value of CT angiography (CTA) in the diagnosis of coronary artery fistula (CAF). Methods: the original and post-processed CT images of 22 patients with CAF were analyzed retrospectively. The post-processing techniques such as volume display (VR), maximum density projection (MIP), curved surface reconstruction (CPR) were used to summarize the imaging features. Results: of the 22 CAF patients, 6 originated from the left coronary artery, 12 from the right coronary artery and 4 from the bilateral coronary artery. 13 cases were terminated in pulmonary artery, 4 cases in right ventricle, 3 cases in right atrium and 2 cases in left ventricle. Conclusion: dual-source CTA can clearly show the course of CAF and the shape of fistula, which provides a basis for clinical diagnosis and treatment.
【作者单位】: 东营市人民医院CT室;新汶矿业集团莱芜中心医院超声科;
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