发布时间:2019-07-03 19:24
【摘要】:研究目的:本研究旨在研制20—39岁人群的功率车二级定量负荷方案,用于间接预测最大摄氧量,使最大摄氧量的测试能够更快捷、更简单,从而利于大范围推广最大摄氧量指标的应用。研究方法:1.经过前期文献查阅和预实验的结果,本研究设定方案的两级负荷在40%和80%VO2MAX。然后依据最大摄氧量数据库(直接测试法,男性样本97人,女性93人,年龄20-39岁)计算出实际物理负荷。依据受试者在直接测试法中的运动生理规律划分二级负荷定量方案的测试阶段及每一阶段的时间。2.83名健康无慢性疾病的成年人(男性38名,女性45名,年龄20-39岁)参与两次运动测试(第一次为直接测试,第二次为二级定量负荷方案)来建立起功率车二级定量负荷方案预测最大摄氧量的预测方程。研究结果:1.最终制定的20-39岁人群功率车二级定量负荷方案的运动方案如下:注:记录每一负荷阶段第二分钟末,第二分半钟末,第兰分钟末的心率。在记录第一次心率后询问受试者RPE。全程骑行转速保持在60转/分。2.本研究建立了以性别,BMI,第二级负荷稳定心率HR2,第二级负荷RPE,RPE.2为自变量,受试者最大摄氧量绝对值为因变量的回归方程为:VO2max(L/min)=4.651+(-0.674)*Gender+0.036*BMI+(-0.009)*HR2+(-0.070)*RPE2其中,Gender:男性=1,女性=2;BMI=体重(kg)/(身高(m))2;HR2为第二级负荷第2min末、第2.5min末和第3min末时的心率(次/min), RPE2为第二级负荷第2min时的RPE。方程的R=0.880,调整R2=0.775, SEE=0.273 L/m in,回归方程及各自变量对因变量的解释预测效果非常显著,均小于0.01。回归方程信效度较高。结论与建议:功率车二级定量负荷方案信效度较好,可以作为实验室最大摄氧量直接测试的替代亚极量方案,用于大规模调研最大摄氧量数据。同时,由于负荷是亚极量,也可以用于临床评估病人的心肺耐力。
[Abstract]:Objective: the purpose of this study was to develop a two-stage quantitative load scheme for power vehicles of 20 people aged 39 years old, which can indirectly predict the maximum oxygen uptake, so that the maximum oxygen uptake test can be faster and simpler, so that the application of maximum oxygen uptake index can be popularized on a large scale. Methods of study: 1. After the results of previous literature review and pre-experiment, the two-stage load of the scheme is 40% and 80% VO2MAX. Then the actual physical load was calculated according to the maximum oxygen uptake database (direct test method, 97 male samples, 93 women, aged 20 鈮,
[Abstract]:Objective: the purpose of this study was to develop a two-stage quantitative load scheme for power vehicles of 20 people aged 39 years old, which can indirectly predict the maximum oxygen uptake, so that the maximum oxygen uptake test can be faster and simpler, so that the application of maximum oxygen uptake index can be popularized on a large scale. Methods of study: 1. After the results of previous literature review and pre-experiment, the two-stage load of the scheme is 40% and 80% VO2MAX. Then the actual physical load was calculated according to the maximum oxygen uptake database (direct test method, 97 male samples, 93 women, aged 20 鈮,