本文选题:基层部队 切入点:卫生防疫 出处:《解放军预防医学杂志》2002年04期 论文类型:期刊论文
【摘要】:目的 :为提高师以下基层部队卫生防疫工作水平 ,探讨基层部队开展卫生防疫工作的路子 ,为做好部队卫生防疫工作提供参考依据。方法 :从分析目前制约师以下基层部队卫生防疫工作的主要因素入手 ,针对所面临的困难 ,探讨并提出解决的对策。结果 :通过分析得出 ,目前制约师以下基层部队开展卫生防疫工作的主要因素 :一是卫生防疫专业人员少 ,部分防疫工作人员业务能力偏低 ;二是部队卫生防疫装备少 ,部分装备维修保养困难 ;三是部队卫生防疫工作缺少专门经费 ;四是部队各部门之间协同不够密切。结论 :提高卫生防疫人员业务素质、加强卫生防疫装备建设、设立卫生防疫专项经费和搞好部门间的协同是开展好师以下基层部队卫生防疫工作的有效途径。
[Abstract]:Objective: in order to improve the level of health and epidemic prevention in the basic units below the division, to explore the ways of carrying out the work of health and epidemic prevention in the basic units. Methods: based on the analysis of the main factors restricting the health and epidemic prevention work of the grassroots troops below the division, the paper aims at the difficulties faced by them, and provides a reference basis for doing a good job in the field of health and epidemic prevention in the army. Results: through analysis, it is concluded that the main factors restricting the work of sanitation and epidemic prevention in the grass-roots troops below the division are: first, the number of health prevention professionals is small, The operational ability of some epidemic prevention staff is on the low side; the second is the lack of medical and epidemic prevention equipment and the difficulty of maintenance of some equipment; the third is the lack of special funds for the health and epidemic prevention work of troops; Fourth, the coordination among the various departments of the army is not close enough. Conclusion: improve the professional quality of health and epidemic prevention personnel and strengthen the construction of sanitary and epidemic prevention equipment. The establishment of special funds for health and epidemic prevention and the coordination among departments are effective ways to carry out the work of health and epidemic prevention at the grass-roots level below the division level.
【作者单位】: 75200部队后勤部卫生处 75210部队后勤部卫生科 75200部队后勤部卫生处
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