本文选题:抗洪 + 饮水卫生 ; 参考:《解放军预防医学杂志》2000年01期
【摘要】:目的 :为了保障抗洪抢险官兵的身体健康 ,总结探讨在抗洪救灾等应急条件下部队饮水卫生保障工作的规律。方法 :深入抗洪部队一线 ,采取边调查 ,边实践、边总结的方法 ,找出问题。结果 :针对部队抗洪条件下饮水卫生工作的特点 ,总结了以下主要做法 :(1)加强水源卫生调查 ,预防水媒疾病的发生 ;(2 )加大健康教育力度 ,增强官兵自我保护能力 ;(3)加强饮水卫生监督监测 ,确保饮水卫生安全 ;(4 )加强卫生防疫力量 ,充分发挥防疫作用。通过抗洪抢险总结出的搞好抗洪部队饮水卫生工作的体会有 :(1)加强健康教育 ,落实饮水消毒制度是重点 ;(2 )与当地卫生防疫部门搞好合作是根本 ;(3)提高部队卫生防疫部门在平战时的地位至关重要 ;(4 )加强部队饮水消毒净化装备的配备是保证 ;(5)适当配发矿泉水或纯净水 ,以应部队急需。结论 :通过总结实践经验 ,对指导部队执行抗洪等应急性任务做好饮水卫生保障工作有一定参考意义。
[Abstract]:Objective: in order to ensure the health of the officers and soldiers, the rule of drinking water sanitation guarantee under the emergency condition of flood control and disaster relief was summarized and discussed. Methods: to find out the problems by investigating, practicing and summing up the flood fighting troops. Results: in view of the characteristics of drinking water sanitation under the condition of flood control, the following main methods were summarized: 1) strengthening the investigation of water source sanitation and preventing the occurrence of water-borne diseases (2) strengthening health education. (3) strengthening the supervision and monitoring of drinking water hygiene and ensuring the safety of drinking water. 4) strengthening the health and epidemic prevention forces and giving full play to the role of epidemic prevention. The experience of doing a good job in drinking water sanitation of flood fighting troops summed up by flood prevention and rescue is: 1) strengthening health education, The implementation of the drinking water disinfection system is a key point. 2) it is essential to cooperate well with the local health and epidemic prevention departments. 3) to improve the status of the military health and epidemic prevention departments in peacetime and wartime. 4) to strengthen the distribution of drinking water disinfection and purification equipment in the army. To ensure proper distribution of mineral water or pure water, The troops are in urgent need. Conclusion: through summing up the practical experience, it is of certain reference significance to guide troops to carry out emergency tasks such as flood control, and to do a good job of drinking water sanitation guarantee.
【作者单位】: 济南军区联勤部军事医学研究所!济南 250014 济南军区联勤部军事医学研究所!济南 250014 济南军区联勤部军事医学研究所!济南 250014 济南军区联勤部军事医学研究所!济南 250014 济南军区联勤部军事医学研究所!济南 250014 济南军区联勤部军事医学研究所!济南 250014
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