发布时间:2018-09-17 17:57
【摘要】:目的:探讨军队药材仓库的综合利用情况,并对其进行综合效益评价,为军队药材保障机构卫生资源合理配置提供依据。方法:采用综合效益评价和层次分析法对军队药材仓库的综合利用进行评价,建立三级指标体系。专家咨询法计算各指标权重值进行综合评价分析,既考虑到平时的效益情况也充分考虑到战时因素对药材仓库综合利用的影响。结果:全军药材仓库经综合评价后有62%低于平均值50.736 1,排序前10位的均属专业药材仓库,排序后10位且低于平均值的主要为综合药材分库。结论:在全军体制编制调整的背景下,应调整药材仓库资源配置,减少综合利用效率低的仓库。
[Abstract]:Objective: to probe into the comprehensive utilization of military medicinal materials warehouse and evaluate its comprehensive benefit so as to provide the basis for the rational allocation of health resources in military medicinal materials guarantee institutions. Methods: comprehensive benefit evaluation and analytic hierarchy process (AHP) were used to evaluate the comprehensive utilization of military medicinal materials warehouse. The expert consultation method calculates each index weight value to carry on the comprehensive evaluation analysis, not only considers the peacetime benefit situation but also fully considers the wartime factor to the medicinal material warehouse comprehensive utilization influence. Results: after comprehensive evaluation, 62% were lower than the average value (50.736 1). The first 10 places were specialized medicine warehouse, the latter 10 places were lower than the average value. Conclusion: under the background of the adjustment of the military system, we should adjust the resource allocation of medicinal materials warehouse and reduce the warehouse with low efficiency of comprehensive utilization.
【作者单位】: 第二军医大学卫生勤务学系卫生事业管理学教研室 第二军医大学卫生勤务学系卫生事业管理学教研室 总后勤部卫生部 第二军医大学卫生勤务学系卫生事业管理学教研室 第二军医大学卫生勤务学系卫生事业管理学教研室 第二军医大学卫生勤务学系卫生事业管理学教研室 第二军医大学卫生勤务学系卫生事业管理学教研室
【基金】:军队医药科研“十五”规划重点课题(01Z101-1) ,
[Abstract]:Objective: to probe into the comprehensive utilization of military medicinal materials warehouse and evaluate its comprehensive benefit so as to provide the basis for the rational allocation of health resources in military medicinal materials guarantee institutions. Methods: comprehensive benefit evaluation and analytic hierarchy process (AHP) were used to evaluate the comprehensive utilization of military medicinal materials warehouse. The expert consultation method calculates each index weight value to carry on the comprehensive evaluation analysis, not only considers the peacetime benefit situation but also fully considers the wartime factor to the medicinal material warehouse comprehensive utilization influence. Results: after comprehensive evaluation, 62% were lower than the average value (50.736 1). The first 10 places were specialized medicine warehouse, the latter 10 places were lower than the average value. Conclusion: under the background of the adjustment of the military system, we should adjust the resource allocation of medicinal materials warehouse and reduce the warehouse with low efficiency of comprehensive utilization.
【作者单位】: 第二军医大学卫生勤务学系卫生事业管理学教研室 第二军医大学卫生勤务学系卫生事业管理学教研室 总后勤部卫生部 第二军医大学卫生勤务学系卫生事业管理学教研室 第二军医大学卫生勤务学系卫生事业管理学教研室 第二军医大学卫生勤务学系卫生事业管理学教研室 第二军医大学卫生勤务学系卫生事业管理学教研室
【基金】:军队医药科研“十五”规划重点课题(01Z101-1) ,