[Abstract]:Objective to understand the basic situation of medical service needs and utilization of naval surface warship officers and soldiers, and to provide the decision basis for the rational allocation of medical resources in the decision-making department. Methods A total of 1 350 officers and soldiers were investigated by stratified cluster random sampling and analyzed by SPSS 10.0. Results the medical service requirement of naval ship troops was high, the self-reported prevalence rate of two weeks was 47.7, the prevalence rate of chronic diseases was 15.60.The rate of untreated patients was 42.1%. The outpatient service is mainly concentrated in the warship infirmary, accounting for 61.5%, detachment hospital 12.0 and local hospital 14.775. Local hospitals account for 42.9 percent of the medical institutions that are willing to choose. Skeletal, musculoskeletal diseases (including trauma), digestive system diseases, respiratory diseases are common and frequent diseases in surface warships. Conclusion the medical service requirement of naval ship troops is large, but the utilization needs to be improved. It is suggested that health education should be carried out in order to strengthen the self-care consciousness of officers and soldiers. The health management agencies should increase the input to the key security departments at the grass-roots level to better meet the medical service needs of the officers and soldiers at the grass-roots level.
【作者单位】: 第二军医大学卫勤系 第二军医大学卫勤系 海军后勤部卫生部 第二军医大学卫勤系 第二军医大学卫勤系 海军后勤部卫生部 海军后勤部卫生部
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