[Abstract]:Objective to summarize the experience of food hygiene supervision and management in air force guesthouses, discuss the existing problems, and put forward some suggestions to ensure food safety and hygiene. Methods according to the Standard of hygienic Supervision in Air Force, the situation of food hygiene and the use of "Sudan Red" food were analyzed. Results among the 57 units investigated, the health management work was generally carried out from the aspects of perfecting the system, perfecting the facilities and strengthening the management, and the sanitary management system of all the catering service places was basically sound. More than 90% of the cooked food rooms have met the requirements of "five specialties", the "health permit" rate of the service premises has reached 100 and the holding rate of the practitioners'"health examination certificate" is 96. The qualified rate of food sampling was 95.322.The qualified rate of food sampling was 84. The sanitary condition was improved obviously, the level of health service was improved obviously, but there were still some problems such as food purchase, unstandardized storage, inadequate prevention and cure measures of "four pests", and poor implementation of food disinfection and food sample retention system. Conclusion it can be seen from the spot check that the existing health management measures are effective, but it is still necessary to further implement the various health management systems, especially to educate all the staff to fully understand the importance of health management. In order to ensure food safety and hygiene, we should strengthen the health knowledge training of employees, do a good job in the hygiene management of food procurement and storage, and increase the intensity and frequency of health supervision and guidance.
【作者单位】: 空军后勤部卫生防疫队 空军后勤部卫生防疫队 空军后勤部卫生防疫队 空军后勤部卫生防疫队 95810部队医院
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