[Abstract]:Objective to investigate the effect of dexamethasone on sodium channel in human alveolar epithelial cells (A549) after seawater immersion. Methods A549 cells were divided into two groups: seawater treatment group (SG),-negative control group, (NG) and dexamethasone treatment group (DG). SG group) were incubated with sterilized formula seawater. DG group was treated with seawater. After treatment with dexamethasone (1 渭 mol / L), the NG group was cultured to the end of the experiment. The osmotic pressure of the formulated seawater is 1300 mmol / L, pH 8.2, and the relative density is 1.05. Cell viability was detected by MTT method, apoptosis and necrosis were detected by flow cytometry., Western blotting assay was used to detect the expression of sodium potassium pump 伪 1 subunit (NKA- 伪 1) and sodium channel 伪 subunit (伪-ENaC). The activity of NKA was detected by hydrolysis colorimetry. Results the results of flow cytometry showed that the survival rate of A549 cells incubated with seawater was 90.60% 卤2.11%, and the survival rate of A549 cells was 90.60% 卤2.11%. The expression of NKA- 伪 1 and 伪-ENaC protein in NG group (0.113 卤0.041, 0.396 卤0.124) was significantly higher than that in SG group (0.038 卤0.009, 0.093 卤0.038). P0.01) or DG group (0.067 卤0.015,0.165 卤0.078), but DG group was significantly higher than SG group (P0.05). Compared with NG group [31.298 卤5.779 渭 mol / (mg 路h)], NKA activity in SG group [14.211 卤3.885 渭 mol / (mg 路h)] was significantly decreased (P0.05). The activity of NKA in DG group [18.641 卤1.921 渭 mol / (mg)] was higher than that in SG group (P0.05). Conclusion Dexamethasone can inhibit the decrease of 伪-ENaC,NKA- 伪 1 content and NKA activity induced by seawater incubation without affecting the survival of human alveolar epithelial cells.
【作者单位】: 海军总医院呼吸内科;解放军总医院胸外科;
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