[Abstract]:Space medicine is a special medical discipline rising with the development of manned spaceflight. With the continuous exploration of space, great progress has been made in the short decades since the establishment of the subject. China's manned spaceflight project started in the early 1990s, but the history of aerospace medicine development can be traced back to the late 1950s. Especially in recent 10 years, the launch of manned spaceflight project in China has brought great opportunities for the development of aerospace medicine. At present, China's first manned space flight has been a complete success, the first flight astronauts have also returned to the earth safely and healthily, space medicine experts and astronauts together withstood the test of the first manned space flight. This paper briefly introduces the basic research and applied research of aerospace medicine in China, as well as the progress made, and looks forward to the challenges and opportunities to be faced in the future.
【作者单位】: 航天医学工程研究所 航天医学工程研究所
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