[Abstract]:Objective to explore the psychological factors affecting the occurrence of seasickness in individuals in order to provide evidence for the comprehensive prevention and treatment of seasickness. Methods the rod frame instrument, the history questionnaire of motion sickness, the self-efficacy scale of seasickness, the body alertness scale, the Eysenck personality questionnaire, the anxiety state-trait questionnaire, 123 valid questionnaires were collected from 124 medical undergraduate students who took part in marine internships before going out to sea. During maritime navigation, the symptoms and signs of seasickness were evaluated by Graybiel motion sickness score according to the symptoms and signs of seasickness. Results among 123 subjects, 75 had seasickness and 48 had no seasickness. The results of univariate analysis showed that the historical questionnaire of motion sickness and the self-efficacy of seasickness were statistically significant (P0.001). Two classification Logistic regression analysis also showed that the history of individual motion sickness, seasickness self-efficacy has significant statistical significance (P 0.05), which is the main psychological factor affecting the occurrence of seasickness. Conclusion the history of individual motion sickness and self-efficacy of seasickness provide an important reference for psychological training in the prevention and treatment of seasickness.
【作者单位】: 解放军第411医院 第二军医大学护理系心理学教研室 解放军第411医院 第二军医大学基础医学部军体教研室
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