[Abstract]:Severe medicine is a new subject developed in the late 20th century. Since its development, it has accumulated rich theoretical and practical experience, and has its own characteristics, and has become the most active subject in the field of clinical medicine. Our army's severe medicine has made important achievements in the treatment and research of severe trauma, sepsis, heat radiation disease, multiple organ failure and severe acute pancreatitis. It is in the leading position in the maintenance of organ function, continuous hemofiltration, nutritional support and other technical aspects of critical patients, and plays an important role in the rescue of critically ill patients, health care, disaster rescue and so on. At present, the relationship between the rescue system of war injury and severe medicine is getting closer and closer. at the same time, the change of war form in the new period also puts forward a new subject for the treatment of war injury. Combined with the characteristics of war injury under the condition of information joint operation in the future, the development of severe medicine in our army and the improvement of the level of war injury treatment in the new period can point out the direction for the future work of severe medicine.
【作者单位】: 解放军南京总医院普外ICU;
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