发布时间:2021-06-17 17:45
阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer’s disease,AD)是最常见的一种中枢神经系统退行性疾病,1907年由德国精神科医生Alois Alzheimer首先提出并以他的名字命名,AD以进行性认知功能障碍为特征,以神经元间β淀粉样蛋白(β-amyloid protein,Aβ)沉积形成老年斑,过磷酸化Tau蛋白为核心形成神经元内神经纤维缠结(Neurofibrillary tangle,NFT)及特定脑区选择性神经元丢失和胶质细胞过度炎症反应,造成神经元大量丢失,脑皮质细胞减少,皮质动脉和小动脉的血管发生淀粉样变性为主要病理特征。据统计,截止2016年全球有6630万人患痴呆,每年新增痴呆病例750万。随着世界人口老龄化程度的不断升高,AD的发病率也将不断上升。我国的痴呆人数已近800万,其中AD近600万。这将对家庭以致社会造成越来越沉重的负担,因此,对AD的致病机理及预防治疗策略的研究显得尤其迫切。值得指出的是多年大量研究中A?一直是构成老年斑的核心成分,同时也被认为是阿尔茨海默病最重要的致病物质之一。关于AD的发病机制存在多种学说,包括氧化应激学说、Aβ级联学说、Tau蛋白假说、...
【文章页数】:97 页
图 1-2 淫羊藿、黄芪、葛根有效成份组方对 AD 模型小鼠 Aβ-42 分布的影响Fig.1-2 The IOD value showing the difference distribution of each groupAll data are expressed as the mean±SD. Intergroup differences were comparedwith multivariate analysis of variance followed by the least significantdifference test a. P <0.05 as each group vs C57 group; b. P<0.05 as eachgroup vs AD model group; c. P<0.05 as each group vs DFO group; d .P<0.05as each group vs Active compounds group; e. P<0.05 as each group vsEpimedium group; f. P < 0.05 as each group vs Astragaoside group; P < 0.05as each group vs Puerarin group..
1-3 淫羊藿、黄芪、葛根有效成份组方对 AD 模型小鼠超微结构的影响Fig.1-3 TEM showed the ultrastructural differences between each group C57 group mice, the neuronal ultrastructure was normal as exhibited byructure relatively normal, and organelles are relatively complete inorphology showing that the intact membranes, uniform cytoplasm, andomplete organelle structure. In APP/PS1 double transgenic AD model group,e nuclear shrinkaged and deformed, the mitochondrial cristae fused withartial membranes, rough endoplasmic reticulum degranulated, cytoplasmacuolization, mitochondria swelled and membrane ridges disappeared, whichere pointing out the damage of ultrastructure in neurons . The ultrastructuref Epimedium, Astragaoside , and Puerarin group were similar, presentingartial neural edema or loss normal morphology, the nuclear shrinkaged andeformed slightly, seldom mitochondria swelled and deformed or
[1]转铁蛋白受体1对淀粉样蛋白前体/早老素1转基因小鼠神经元的保护作用[J]. 王倩,范文娟,孙仪征,王来,程艳红,邓锦波. 解剖学报. 2018(01)
[2]贯叶金丝桃素对AD模型小鼠学习记忆能力及海马组织中Aβ1-42,βAPP及BACE1蛋白表达的影响[J]. 耿燕娜,武毅君,张文鑫. 中国中药杂志. 2016(15)
[3]中药成分影响阿尔茨海默病β-淀粉样蛋白靶点的研究进展[J]. 杜仕静,王蕾,苏萍,张文生. 中草药. 2015(13)
[4]Effective components of Chinese herbs reduce central nervous system function decline induced by iron overload[J]. Xian-hui Dong,Jiang-tao Bai,Wei-na Kong,Xiao-ping He,Peng Yan,Tie-mei Shao,Wen-guo Yu,Xi-qing Chai,Yan-hua Wu,Cong Liu. Neural Regeneration Research. 2015(05)
[5]淫羊藿的化学成分及质量控制研究进展[J]. 袁航,曹树萍,陈抒云,过立农,郑健,林瑞超. 中草药. 2014(24)
[6]阿尔茨海默病β-淀粉蛋白中医药研究现状[J]. 彭新明,吴献,吴华堂. 湖南中医杂志. 2013(11)
[7]大鼠海马内注射β淀粉样蛋白1-40抑制铜蓝蛋白表达[J]. 李艳伟,赵晋英,周泽江,黄泽智,李琳. 神经解剖学杂志. 2013(04)
[8]金属离子代谢平衡失调与阿尔茨海默病早期发病机制[J]. 赵保路,万莉. 生物化学与生物物理进展. 2012(08)
[9]APP/PS1双转基因老年性痴呆小鼠早期病理和认知行为变化[J]. 朱斌,陈静,秦红芳,邓汝东,李伊为,黎辉,周健洪,张赛霞,宋述财,陈云波,魏刚,陈东风. 广州中医药大学学报. 2012(02)
[10]电针对链脲佐菌素AD模型大鼠海马区Aβ阳性细胞表达和脑内SOD活性的影响[J]. 张鹏,关珊珊,姜国华. 中国针灸. 2010(12)
[1]LTD阻断肽对于HU210在小鼠识别记忆影响上的作用[D]. 魏晓芳.陕西师范大学 2013
[2]淫羊藿苷对快速老化小鼠SAMP10学习记忆的影响及作用机制研究[D]. 高琳娜.河北北方学院 2012
【文章页数】:97 页
图 1-2 淫羊藿、黄芪、葛根有效成份组方对 AD 模型小鼠 Aβ-42 分布的影响Fig.1-2 The IOD value showing the difference distribution of each groupAll data are expressed as the mean±SD. Intergroup differences were comparedwith multivariate analysis of variance followed by the least significantdifference test a. P <0.05 as each group vs C57 group; b. P<0.05 as eachgroup vs AD model group; c. P<0.05 as each group vs DFO group; d .P<0.05as each group vs Active compounds group; e. P<0.05 as each group vsEpimedium group; f. P < 0.05 as each group vs Astragaoside group; P < 0.05as each group vs Puerarin group..
1-3 淫羊藿、黄芪、葛根有效成份组方对 AD 模型小鼠超微结构的影响Fig.1-3 TEM showed the ultrastructural differences between each group C57 group mice, the neuronal ultrastructure was normal as exhibited byructure relatively normal, and organelles are relatively complete inorphology showing that the intact membranes, uniform cytoplasm, andomplete organelle structure. In APP/PS1 double transgenic AD model group,e nuclear shrinkaged and deformed, the mitochondrial cristae fused withartial membranes, rough endoplasmic reticulum degranulated, cytoplasmacuolization, mitochondria swelled and membrane ridges disappeared, whichere pointing out the damage of ultrastructure in neurons . The ultrastructuref Epimedium, Astragaoside , and Puerarin group were similar, presentingartial neural edema or loss normal morphology, the nuclear shrinkaged andeformed slightly, seldom mitochondria swelled and deformed or
[1]转铁蛋白受体1对淀粉样蛋白前体/早老素1转基因小鼠神经元的保护作用[J]. 王倩,范文娟,孙仪征,王来,程艳红,邓锦波. 解剖学报. 2018(01)
[2]贯叶金丝桃素对AD模型小鼠学习记忆能力及海马组织中Aβ1-42,βAPP及BACE1蛋白表达的影响[J]. 耿燕娜,武毅君,张文鑫. 中国中药杂志. 2016(15)
[3]中药成分影响阿尔茨海默病β-淀粉样蛋白靶点的研究进展[J]. 杜仕静,王蕾,苏萍,张文生. 中草药. 2015(13)
[4]Effective components of Chinese herbs reduce central nervous system function decline induced by iron overload[J]. Xian-hui Dong,Jiang-tao Bai,Wei-na Kong,Xiao-ping He,Peng Yan,Tie-mei Shao,Wen-guo Yu,Xi-qing Chai,Yan-hua Wu,Cong Liu. Neural Regeneration Research. 2015(05)
[5]淫羊藿的化学成分及质量控制研究进展[J]. 袁航,曹树萍,陈抒云,过立农,郑健,林瑞超. 中草药. 2014(24)
[6]阿尔茨海默病β-淀粉蛋白中医药研究现状[J]. 彭新明,吴献,吴华堂. 湖南中医杂志. 2013(11)
[7]大鼠海马内注射β淀粉样蛋白1-40抑制铜蓝蛋白表达[J]. 李艳伟,赵晋英,周泽江,黄泽智,李琳. 神经解剖学杂志. 2013(04)
[8]金属离子代谢平衡失调与阿尔茨海默病早期发病机制[J]. 赵保路,万莉. 生物化学与生物物理进展. 2012(08)
[9]APP/PS1双转基因老年性痴呆小鼠早期病理和认知行为变化[J]. 朱斌,陈静,秦红芳,邓汝东,李伊为,黎辉,周健洪,张赛霞,宋述财,陈云波,魏刚,陈东风. 广州中医药大学学报. 2012(02)
[10]电针对链脲佐菌素AD模型大鼠海马区Aβ阳性细胞表达和脑内SOD活性的影响[J]. 张鹏,关珊珊,姜国华. 中国针灸. 2010(12)
[1]LTD阻断肽对于HU210在小鼠识别记忆影响上的作用[D]. 魏晓芳.陕西师范大学 2013
[2]淫羊藿苷对快速老化小鼠SAMP10学习记忆的影响及作用机制研究[D]. 高琳娜.河北北方学院 2012