[Abstract]:Background: hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage (HCH) is one of the three serious threats to human life. The morbidity, mortality and disability rate are high, but there is no effective treatment. In particular, the application of molecular biology, electron microscopy, imaging and other methods and means, as well as the development of traditional Chinese medicine and the comprehensive advantages of integration of traditional Chinese and western medicine, have changed the understanding and concept of many issues in the past. Improve the clinical diagnosis and treatment, and promote the development of stroke encephalopathy. At present, the comprehensive treatment of integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine is the basic effective mode of hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage, which is the requirement of modern medical treatment and the symbol and trend of modern stroke treatment. Therefore, it is necessary to explore the standardization of integrated treatment of hypertension intracerebral hemorrhage. Objective: to study the clinical application of integrated Chinese and western medicine in the acute stage of hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage. Methods: all the selected cases were randomly divided into two groups: the integrated treatment group and the control group. The changes of (NFI) and the evaluation standard of the therapeutic effect of Tai'an Standard were used to monitor and record the treatment situation. Finally, the relevant data were processed by statistical method, and the curative effect was evaluated and summarized scientifically. Results: after a course of treatment, the clinical symptoms and signs of the two groups were improved, but there were differences in the improvement characteristics between the two groups. There was no significant difference between the two groups in sex, age and neurological impairment score, (NFD), GCS score, hematoma volume, TCM symptom score and initial symptom classification before treatment. But the two groups of patients after a week of curative effect level, to achieve effective or significant effect or recovery of the number of cases, There were significant differences between the scores of neurological function defect and the evaluation standard of curative effect of Tai'an Standard, (ADL) and the quality of life (QLI index) in 7 days after treatment and 1428 days after treatment, which were dealt with by statistical method. The difference was significant (P < 0.05 or .P < 0.01). Conclusion: the standardized integrated treatment of traditional Chinese and western medicine can reduce the mortality of patients with hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage, promote the recovery of cerebral nerve function, improve the long-term quality of life and reduce the rate of disability.
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