发布时间:2018-01-24 13:56
本文关键词: 斯蒂格勒 后种系生成 技术 外在化 超前 出处:《科学技术哲学研究》2017年06期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:The concept of post-phylogeny is an important concept in Stigler's philosophy of technology. This concept is related to the deduction of Stigler's whole philosophical thought. The important meaning of the formation of the post-lineage comes from Stigler's interpretation of the mythology of Embymetheus and Prometheus. Heaven and earth lack the instinct to survive. So we must rely on the external technology, that is, the externalization of human nature. This is the first meaning of the post-species generation. The significance of the Prometheus myth lies in. The predominance of death is the driving force between human evolution and technological evolution. This is the second meaning of post-species generation. The concept of post-lineage formation represents the existence and interaction structure between human beings and technology. It also explains the origin and evolution of human and technology.
【作者单位】: 同济大学人文学院;
【正文快照】: (1)“它(技术)被理解为代表着一切即将来临的可能性和未来的可能性之前景。10年前,当我构思最初的轮廓时,这个问题还显得是次要的。如今,它贯穿所有的问题,其范围之广,无所不及。”[1]1(2)其实,斯蒂格勒认为,“在海德格尔那里,尤其是在他的后期著作中,存在的问题成为技术的问
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