本文关键词: 马克思主义 生态哲学 范式转型 生态危机 当代意义 出处:《南昌大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:In the capitalist society, the rapid development of science and technology makes the conflict between man and man, man and nature more acute, which leads to the human life and production more inclined to the way of consumption, and the ecology is seriously destroyed. How to solve the ecological crisis has become an urgent problem for human beings. Human beings have to re-examine the relationship between man and man and between man and nature. On the basis of the ecological philosophy thought put forward by Marx, people have to re-examine the relationship between human beings and nature. In the course of the management and construction of ecological environment, we should adhere to the Marxist ecological philosophy thought as the foundation, scientific world outlook and methodology as the guide. First of all, this paper mainly studies the establishment of Marxist ecological philosophy theory. This chapter is based on Marx's doctoral thesis, Economic and philosophical manuscripts of 1844, German ideology, Capital, etc. The paper analyzes and reveals the germination, formation and development of Marx's ecological philosophy. This paper probes into the paradigm transformation of Marxist ecological philosophy. Through the transformation of the paradigm of Marxist western ecological philosophy to the ecological paradigm of Marxist ecological philosophy's Chinese scientific development view, Thirdly, this paper mainly studies the problems of the globalization ecological crisis in the Marxist ecological philosophy field. From the perspective of capitalist private system is the root of the ecological crisis. From the crisis caused by the means of commercialization, the crisis caused by the popularization of technology, the crisis caused by the means of science and technology in China, the austere situation faced by Marxist ecological philosophy is analyzed. Let us have a better understanding of the problem of ecological crisis. Finally, to study the contemporary significance of Marxist ecological philosophy, It includes two parts: theoretical meaning and practical significance. This chapter is based on the realistic approach to the development paradigm theory of Marxist ecological philosophy in China. This paper analyzes the guiding significance of Marxist ecological thought for the coordinated development of our country's ecology and economic society, that is, to nature, economy, politics and society, These practical meanings play an important role in the transformation and upgrading of our society today and the great rejuvenation of our country.
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